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Nikki is given a "modification" to the last remnants of her manhood...

Half Sisters: Episode 3 is here!

Thank you to everyone who chimed in on the speech bubbles vs text poll. You helped give me the confidence to go ahead with my vision. I hope you like the result!

The PDF is attached below!

I'm curious about what you think of this episode. As always, thank you so much for your support!




Outstanding work as always Emory

Wes Adams

Great story. Great art. I do like the text boxes better.


Excellent work, Emory. Stick to the box lettering. It looks better for this story. For someone, who look like he did not like the result, Zach has a little smile when he received the key. What's on his mind?


It is great i would love to see more pannels one month of wait is too much 😔


Woooot she has a chastity cage? didnt see that coming


Although Zach isn't happy that Nick is now Nikki, we have to remember that Nick was still a bit of a bully to Zach because he was gay and also a little out of shape. Zach might be looking forward to a little payback...


Poor thing.


Zach didn't seem too happy with his new present. He must've been expecting a thinned out boy. (I think Mr. H is in denial his son is gay) At least Nikki ought to be glad Mr. H didnt request a full transformation.


Yes, Zach's smile in the end made it clear (I think) that his initial rejection was because he had thought that Nikki was made full girl. Not certain if that is good or bad for Nikki...

michelle wills

Emory, sorry to point out an error of poor Nikki being locked inside a cock cage. Her testicles need to be placed through the ring of her new addition or the cage will simply fall off.

Ella Cherry

Just getting better and better!

stacy C

Well this is going places I never expected but I love it.....can't wait to see the new outfit :-) x

Sara Dune Tone

I am so jealous of Nikki. There I said it. Emory you’re making me fly with this one ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Wow!!! Thank you, Sara! That really means a lot to me. A lot of people seem to really be connecting to Nikki, and that makes me really happy. I hope poor Sofia won't be left out, though! LOL.


Thank you very, very much, Woori! 😀 Do you have a favorite panel? Mine is 7, I think. She's so sassy!

Jessica Thence

This might be my favorite spinoff since Frasier haha.