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As Jill and Madison enjoy a "girls' night out," Connor investigates the seedy group that seems to have transformed his brother-in-law into a sister-in-law...

I really enjoyed switching to Connor's perspective for this one. And for those who wish this went on for a few images more, you won't have to wait long. The next Jack & Jill will be out next week on June 6th.

Enjoy! Can't wait to read your comments. 😁



Tiki D

I knew Xu and Davis still hold 99% of the cards so far. Davis knew that Conner was getting Intel on Jack/Jill as a spy. He lied to Conner about Jill condition of being a prisoner of his/her free will.

Tiki D

Conner was shocked the Jill is gorgeous.

Erica Rost

A future victim for Doctor XU ....

Tiki D

I'm wondering how they got Joise to cooperate with being sex machine for guys. I got a feeling that they must used certain drugs to make her dolicle or suggestive tapes for her to listen to convert her mind to full female.

Tiki D

I have a feeling that whatever they did to Joise. They going to do the same with Jill. Think about it, they use suggestive tapes to trigger Jill's womanly needs from her subconscious and probably must have done something to her wine like drug it or something to make her calm. Also, Xu must had Madison hired to keep Jill focused on her Girls Night Out.


😄😄😄😄so good

France Day

A lot of information in this segment, a pivotal step that shows us the long road traveled by Jill. She is close to awakening to herself, Mr. Xu will be especially proud of his extravagant Jill. A beautiful cinema event like. Congratulations EA.

Harley Allen

Best chapter in a while!

Ella Cherry

I was missing Josie! Thanks! ❤️


Great chapter the Best in a while great to see josie and great to see her willing ti improve to be a great trophy wife she is exquisite i hope to see her more , excelent as usual em


Connor + Josie = Blackmail. Can the man be any dumber. After seeing Jill, another part of his body is doing the thinking.


Something is up. I thought Josie was cooperating with Jack's sister. She seemed too willing considering her mental state last chapter. How did she change so quickly. I got a feeling...right Emory? You got some surprise coming.


I have a feeling there is more than one camera in the room... and Connor (soon to be Connie?) will regret it when they send the video to his wife!!!


Thanks, Tiki! Xu and Davis are very powerful, clever, and rich as hell. Hard to get a leg up on them. Not impossible, but quite difficult.


Good point, Tiki, That seems to be working already, bad on some of of the dreams she has had...


Thanks, France! Jill's worlds are colliding and it will be a wild ride from here on. I can't wait to show you all what is in store for her! It's a bit hard to believe we're approaching the end of Jill's story. (Don't worry, there is plenty more to come.)


Thank you very much! Like I mentioned, this episode was a lot of fun to create. I enjoy Connor's outside perspective. Also, I was eager to get to Josie and Connor's encounter - which is only a prelude of things to come! It's been a while since we've seen Josie, and she's looking ravishing, I think.


A good point, Andre. Also consider his arrogance. He's a Colonel in the United States military - and intelligence officer - and probably thinks he's untouchable. Also, Connor doesn't truly believe this nonsense about an organization of billionaires kidnapping men to be changed into women. After all, if such a thing existed, surely he would know about it! Unfortunately, his arrogance may have dire consequences... Plus, Josie is really hot. 😀


You're right, Pelican. But Xu - knowing Emily and Mason visited with Josie - demanded that Josie tell him everything. If she did, he promised to find her a "good" owner and promised that maybe even her son could live with her. So she is definitely playing a role, doing her best to ensure a relatively comfortable future. Do I have a surprise coming? Oh, yes. 😉


Bowie, you're almost as devious as Mr. Xu himself!!! Do you think the "alternate reality" should come true? 😉


If that's true. Then, the meeting between David and Connor was anticipated. That's why Josie was waiting in a room for Connor w/ a camera setup. I think Bowie897 is right. Like I said, Conner is thinking with another part of his body.


His actions certainly make it seem that way, Andre. But given Josie's beauty, can we really blame the poor man? 😉


Yes. As smart as he think he is. He should know a trap. If I was in a meeting with the others to contact Jill, then I would be thinking, why am I directed to a room by David, w/ a girl already to meet. But, like I said, he's not thinking w/ the right part.


The Old Shoe (Xu) as I like to call him, is very smart and manipulative. He has anticipated their every move. I'm afraid they will not be able to do anything for Jill. Any hope of a life away from the old man will be up to Jill herself. I just hope she realizes what a wonderful life she can have as her being such an incredibly beautiful woman.


Yes! I think Connor's days of manhood are numbered. 💀


when men become sexy whores !! that is just very good art to change their personality to be adapted to their new body

Emily Morgan

Its certainly believable that Josie would "play along" but I think a few other things are going on She no longer thinks about her former male self. She accepts that the only options are ones given to her by her benefactors. She has developed a trust in them, almost like stockholm syndrome. I believe if we could hear her thoughts while seducing Conner it would be like this "what a relief, Conner is a good looking guy......and I much rather please a decent man like him than that dick Davis . I hate setting him up like this but this is what Xu wants, its best for everyone and if Xu sees how Loyal I am he'll make sure I end up with a sweetheart like Conner


Thanks, Storm! Perhaps Josie is adapting. Maybe she's only playing along. In the end, is there much of a difference?


I love that nickname, Pelican! LOL. I understand your pessimism. Imagining a plan to outsmart Xu is difficult. He is extremely wealthy, extremely adaptable, and -- above all -- obsessed. Is it possible? Perhaps... But these are like Frodo destroying the one ring odds. 😉


Excellent insight, Andre. You'd probably be better off than Connor right now.... 😀


Horn, I think you've hit the nail on the head. In the last chapter, Josie begged Xu not to sell her. He refused since he'd promised the Platinum Star to do so (thanks to your votes! 😀) but he did say he could influence who she would buy her. Now that she is female forever she sees little chance of having a better life. After all, even if she escaped, where could she go that Xu wouldn't find her and make her life even worse?


Xu has to go. That's how these "girls" will get free. If Xu was young I'd give him a taste of his own medicine but he's ugly as hell.

stacy C

They make a convincing argument.....hell even I'm starting to believe this is all consensual hehe x


Yeah, he is way past the point of feminizing -- unless you'd like a wrinkly Asian grandma. 😉

Emily Morgan

I honestly believe that Madison's Womanly instincts are far to honed to miss that look on Jill's face,. She must know something is very wrong but is playing along to give Jill time to reach out for help

Jessica Thence

Josie!!!! One of my faves!! Huzzah!

Winter Naomi Vera . (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-17 05:43:06 So, even after being warned about what has been done to Jill, Janelle & SIXTY-THREE OTHERS, he just walks up to the bad guys & asks them about it point blank??!!!! I thought he was military intelligence. How could he be so forking stupid? He was supposed to talk ONLY to Jill about the escape plan, & instead they played this idiot like a fiddle. They should make him into a ditzy airhead bimbo, because it's not like he's all of that, except the bimbo part, already.
2022-03-16 20:27:02 So, even after being warned about what has been done to Jill, Janelle & SIXTY-THREE OTHERS, he just walks up to the bad guys & asks them about it point blank??!!!! I thought he was military intelligence. How could he be so forking stupid? He was supposed to talk ONLY to Jill about the escape plan, & instead they played this idiot like a fiddle. They should make him into a ditzy airhead bimbo, because it's not like he's all of that, except the bimbo part, already.

So, even after being warned about what has been done to Jill, Janelle & SIXTY-THREE OTHERS, he just walks up to the bad guys & asks them about it point blank??!!!! I thought he was military intelligence. How could he be so forking stupid? He was supposed to talk ONLY to Jill about the escape plan, & instead they played this idiot like a fiddle. They should make him into a ditzy airhead bimbo, because it's not like he's all of that, except the bimbo part, already.