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Here's an exciting one, I think. 😀

Madison convinced a (somewhat tipsy) Jill to get her ears pierced, but she's not quite done helping Jill "express herself."

First up... Piercings!

This one is simple. Should Jill get more piercings?

( No nipples because Jill is still producing milk--as we'll see again later--and that can be a little dangerous 😉 )

Look for the next poll tomorrow!


Tiki D

What if Madison finds out that Jill is not who says she is due her producing milk and possibly of being pregnant. She would think that Jill was lying and thinking that she just a regular woman pretending to be a female Jack.

Emily Morgan

I just can't imagine jill going along with more piercings unless it was to convince Madison of something besides in the area of piercing a think less is best, not to mention Having more piercings just feels like it should be something Jill really wants to do not something she is forced to do


A really good point, Horn. My notion is Jill is really scared Madison will find out she’s not really trans and / or a “girly girl.” Davis has threatened Madison’s life! So Jill is willing to do almost anything to help perpetuate the illusion (ha!) that she appreciates Madison’s help in becoming the girl she always was inside... 😉

michelle wills

What about a Prince Albert piercing in what remains of her penis ?


I thought about that, Michelle. I think it’d be cute! ❤️ But I couldn’t think of a remotely plausible reason for Jill to agree to it just yet...

michelle wills

perhaps a prince albert could be a form of punishment for something Jill has done wrong.


Thats hot i little diamond in the típ of her clit would be extremely hot