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Well, I suppose it was his last time peeing standing up... 🙃

Thank you to everyone who participated in the poll. Great choice! I've included the original caption as well. 

P.S. I couldn't find a suitable picture of the first model, so I used my Photoshop skills to do a bit of a face swap. I think it turned out pretty well. 

P.P.S. Her body type reminds me of Nikki!


Trevor stood in his mother’s studio, trembling from head to toe. He’d awoken from a medically-induced coma four hours ago, but he still felt as though he was in a dream. Or, more specifically, a nightmare. “How the fuck could this have happened?”

“Traci, please—”

“Don’t call me that!” Trevor shrieked. They’d changed his voice, too. He hadn’t even known such a thing was possible. “Not now. Not ever again! Jesus Christ, Mom. I...I’m a girl. A real girl. I... I have a vagina, for god’s sake! That was supposed to be the last time I wore a skirt, and now...”

The tears came again, and Trevor buried his face in his hands. The last thing he remembered was driving to the restaurant. He was rear-ended, and when he’d gotten out to speak to the other driver (especially nerve-wracking while in “Traci-mode”), he felt a sting in his neck. Then...nothing, for the next six months.

His mom putting a comforting hand on his bare shoulder. “We don’t know how it happened, baby. Apparently, there are...groups who turn boys into girls, and then sell them into, well...”

Trevor sniffled. “Sexual slavery?”

His mother nodded solemnly. “I’m just so happy we found you before that happened.”

Trevor felt as though he was going to be sick. Again. “What about my life, Mom? I can’t… I don’t know... I was a football player!”

He felt his mother’s arms wrap around his distraught form. “Well, mostly you sat on the bench, sweetie...”


“It’s all right, Trevor. You’re alive, and you’re back home. That’s what matters.”

“But, I’m a girl!” Trevor sniffled again. “I don’t want to be a girl. Yeah, I dressed up for grandma, but I... I liked being a boy.”

“I know, honey. I can’t imagine what a shocking change this is for you, but I promise we’ll get through this together. You, me, and grandma. She’s staying here, you know. Until the end.”

“What...what did you tell her?”

“The truth!” Mom said. “That you were kidnapped and went through a terrible ordeal. But there’s a silver lining.”


“Well, because of everything you’ve gone through she wants to make sure you get the best of everything. The best clothes, the best makeup, the best jewelry, and the best education money can buy. Of course, you know her hang-up with men, so you’ll be attending an all-girl’s college. But that can’t be too bad, right?”

“I...I guess not,” Trevor said. “Grandma doesn’t have anything against, um, lesbians, does she? I don’t want to date boys!”

His mother gave a hearty laugh. “Hardly. She ‘ll be thrilled you prefer girls. She’ll be home soon, and she’ll be so happy to see you’re awake. She’s already gone out shopping for your new wardrobe!”

Trevor felt a tear slide down his cheek. Of course life wasn’t always fair, but this...you had to be kidding. Some secret society kidnapping him, drugging him, turning him into a girl? Bullshit.

His mother seemed to read his expression. “Hey, girl. At least we’re rich.”
