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Hm, I wonder where this will lead... 😉


My name is Miles. That’s not Mila, it’s Miles. And yes, I’m a guy.

I know what you’re gonna say because I’ve heard it all before: “A guy with tits bigger than my girlfriend?” Look, I have a medical condition called gynecomastia. That’s when a dude grows boobs like a chick. It’s actually somewhat common. Well, I mean, yeah, my case is more severe than average. Obviously.

Huh? Yes, that’s true. They usually go away by the end of puberty, and I’m almost nineteen.

But I don’t let these things control me! I’ve just made adjustments in my life to deal. Like what? Well, like I have to wear a bra. Really, I can’t go anywhere without one. They bounce everywhere, and my nips stick out, you know? And since I have to wear a bra, I need to present as a girl. Otherwise, if I go out in public, people will start asking questions. So I’ve learned how to do a little makeup and style my hair to make myself more presentable. I’m actually not half bad.

But otherwise, I’m just a regular guy. I love video games, especially on my Switch.

Do I like my boobs? No, I fucking hate them. 

Do I ever touch them? Well, sometimes, they tingle, and I can’t help but fondle them a little. I hate myself for it, but they feel so good. 

Are they tingling now? M-maybe a little. 

What? You want me to play with them right now? Dude, you’re sick.

Well, I guess there’s no harm…  Mmm.

Hey! Put your dick away, dude. Gross!
