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Where There's a Will was the clear winner this time! Thank you to everyone who voted. 

So what do you think about Cody and Jared's fates? Did everyone get what they deserved?  😉 


Cody was at her ranch in Montana, enjoying the beautiful weather. As a man, she’d never understood some people’s fascination with horses. Now, as a woman, she saw their appeal. The horses were strong, fast, and beautiful, but they also exuded calm and nobility. Cody rode every day, enjoying the wind blowing through her hair as she galloped at full speed. In those sublime moments, she felt as free and powerful as her horses.

“Cody?” said a masculine voice.

Cody turned and saw her brother standing across the field. “Jared,” Cody spat. “What the fuck do you want?”

“I...uh...I need your help,” he said, stepping forward.

“My help?” Cody asked, laughing. “You destroyed my life, and now you need my help? You’ve got some gall.”

“I know,” he said, looking down. “But I’m all out of dad’s money, and the people who I paid to change you, well, I, uh, never gave them their share, and now they’re pissed.”

“So?” Cody asked. “Why should I care? You’re the reason I’m in a dress right now.”

“I know, and I’m sorry. But they’re going to kill me!” 

Cody shook his head. “Jesus, you’re pathetic. You know I could have fought you in the courts, right? I could’ve had you arrested and thrown in jail for the rest of your life. But I didn’t. Know why? Because I pity you, Jared. I’ve always pitied you. And I knew if I ever saw you again, I’d forgive you. Because that’s what big brothers are for.”

Jared smiled and wiped away a tear. “So... you’re not mad at me?”

Cody sighed. “You dumbass. Of course I’m mad, but only if I forgive you can you learn from all your mistakes—and you’ve made a lot of them. See, you left me mutilated and heartbroken. So, what’d I do? Crawl into a corner and die? No. I worked my ass off and became even more successful. Now look at me. I’m richer than dad ever was. And you...” Cody walked forward and stared into his eyes. “You’re still just a pathetic junkie who’s in way over his head. I could get you out of this, but it’ll cost you.”

“I don’t have any money,” Jared whimpered.

Cody sighed, raised his riding crop, and slapped Jared in the face, knocking him to the ground. “I’m not talking about money.”

“Oh,” he says, rubbing his cheek.

“I’ve needed some help around the house. That help is going to be you.”

“Okay,” Jared whimpered. “Sure. Anything. I can be your handyman.”

Cody laughed. “Oh, I don’t need a man at all.”

Nine months later…

Cody laughed as she spotted Jared splayed out on the kitchen floor, his new breasts popping out of his blouse. His dark hair was done up in a luxurious style, and his French maid’s outfit hugged his growing curves.

“How are you getting along with the monthly cleaning?” Cody asked.

“It’s hard,” he whined. “Your house is so big, and it’s so hot. And these clothes—”

Cody cut him off. “Are you about to complain about the clothes I provide for free?”

“No,” Jared said, glumly.

“No what?”

“No, ma’am.”

Cody stared at him as he begins to wipe the floor. “Soon,” she muttered.

Jared looked up. “Soon what?”

Cody grinned, shrugged, and walk away. ‘Soon,’ of course, was how long until Jared was in the hands of the same organization who’d changed Cody into a woman. They’d agreed to forgive his debt if he served them for a year. Of course, they’d almost certainly never let him go, and Cody didn’t really care. 

Cody rode her horse hard for hours, enjoying the wind blowing through her hair. She was a free woman, and once her revenge was complete, she’d have her whole future ahead of her. She couldn’t wait to see what it would bring.




Can you post a link to the original?



Ella Cherry

Love the ending! ❤️

stacy C

Is it really a punishment to get turned in to a sexy french maid hehe x

Jessica Thence

I like how in the original post you put that Cody had wished for a more simple life. Flash forward and she is living in Montana and riding horses every day. Nice little touch.


Aw, thanks, Jess! She certainly turned lemons into lemon aid. And she got revenge, too!