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A bet is a bet is a bet.  😁 


I’m a businessman, and a member of the so-called 1% you’re always reading about in the news. Well, technically, I’m one of the 0.1%. How’d I become so wealthy? By making bets. That’s what business is all about, you see: Taking chances and hoping they work out. And a bet is the reason I’m standing here in the Santa Monica mountains with my best friend, Eric, and a sleeping, naked woman at our feet. 

Eric looked at me with disgust. “I can’t do this! I can’t turn my friend into a freak just because of a bet. It’s wrong!”

I looked at Eric with a mix of contempt and pity. “A bet is a bet. It’s a sacred contract. Besides, the damage—if that’s what you’d like to call it—is done. Does your friend look like a young man anymore?”

Erik glanced down at Brent’s sleeping form. He was so much softer than he was a year ago, with long hair, gorgeous, feminine curves, and perky breasts. The work of my team of doctors and surgeons, who kept poor Brent in a medically-induced coma for nearly a year. “No.”

“I’m pleased you’re not blind, at least. Let’s go.” I got into my Aston Martin and waited for Eric to join me. For a moment, he stared at the peacefully sleeping form of Brent. Finally, he walked back to the car.

“But why’d we have to leave him out here?” Eric asked, getting into the passenger seat. "What if he doesn’t wake up? He might get hurt or...or someone might find him and...you know.”

I shrugged. “It will be amusing. My drones are recording, and I want to see what he—what she will do after waking up in the wilderness with no money, no clothes, and no idea how she became female.”

Erik glanced out the window. “That seems cruel.”

I laughed. “Since when do you care about morality? You’re the one who is always hanging out with me, no matter what I do.”

He looked at me angrily. “Let’s just go, I don’t want to be out here any longer.”

I shrugged. “Sure.”

Erik is much poorer than I. That’s why, a year ago, I made a bet with him: I wagered that if I forcibly transitioned a young man into a woman, she’d get married to a man inside of a year. I bet Erik $500,000–a pittance to me, but a sum that could change his life. He agreed. So, I captured Erik’s other best friend, a young man named Brent, and had my doctors go to work. Erik was not pleased with my choice, but that was never specified in the rules. 

I pulled out of the dirt parking lot and headed back to civilization. “So,” I said as we drove. “Do you think Brent will marry a man?”

Erik was silent for a long moment. Finally, he said, “Yes. He’s… weak. Easily manipulated. Just like I am.”

I shook my head, but inside I was smiling. “You’re smarter than you look, my friend.”

“I know.”

We drove in silence for a while, until we reached the dirt road that led to the main highway. “You know you’re next, right? Brent was only a test. You’re the actual subject of the wager.”

Erik swallowed hard and didn’t look at me. “Yes, I know.”

“Are you ready to be a woman?”

“I don’t have a choice, do I?”

You shake your head. “A bet is a bet, my friend. But don’t worry, I’ve been looking for a bride.”



stacy C

I see the forest fueled your imagination....especially in that first pic hehe x

Ella Cherry

I want to take a bet with this business man! And lose! 😜

Alice Duffield

“Whoa” as in wow that is a wild set up for a much bigger story

Jessica Thence

I am a little confused by this one I must admit. So the first guy was the test, and now the second guy is the one being feminized for the bet? Or does he get feminized if he loses the bet?