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Hello, Patrons. You chose for a criminal to become a princess! Great selection... There can never be enough princesses in the world! 😄


“I hope you’re enjoying one last look at your son,” Jamie snapped. “I can’t believe you’re making me do this! They’re gonna kill me at school, and I kinda won’t blame them.”

“Who’s going to kill you?” His mother laughed. “I thought you and your friend were the rough ones.”

“Yeah, my friends will!” Jamie stomped his foot. “You haven’t let me see them all summer. They have no idea what you’ve done!”

“I didn’t do anything to you,” his mother replied. “You’re responsible for this. If you hadn’t broken into the electronics store, you wouldn’t be on house arrest.”

“The judge never said anything about making me up like a girl.”

“This has been a long time coming. For God’s sake, you’re almost nineteen and still in high school, all because of your poor attendance and even worse attitude. That ends today. I’ve already told the principal you’ll be attending as a girl from now on. She was thrilled.”

Jamie gawked at her, dumbfounded. “You... You can’t do this. I’m an adult!”

“Legally, yes,” his mother replied. “But mentally, you’re still a child. If you want to leave my house, that’s fine. But all your belongings stay here, including your clothes. So the next move is yours.”

“But... But... I don’t want to be a girl. Please, don’t do this to me.”

“So now we’re dropping the tough guy act?” Mom laughed. “Good. Maybe you’re learning. I spent all summer getting you ready for this. The special diet to reduce your muscles, the cream to soften your skin... Oh, and I’m so glad you never wanted to cut your hair. Sure, you looked like a rebel before. But now? With the right shampoo and some color, it’s beautiful.”

“I can’t believe this. I want to die.” Tears flowed down Jamie’s cheeks. “Why am I crying? I never cry.”

“Ah, well, that was one of the conditions of being enrolled as a girl, sweetie. You have to be on estrogen. Haven’t you noticed your chest getting puffy?”

“I’m... I’m growing boobs?”

“Among other things. I know they’re small, but soon enough you’ll be at least a C-cup, like me.”

“Mommy, please—”

“That’s enough chatting, or you’ll be late. Have a great day at school, princess!”

As Jamie rode off on his bike, his mother did enjoy one last look at her son... and her first look at her new daughter!



Ella Cherry

Oh how I wish I had been a princess as well!

Erica Rost

Maybe she'll meet her prince along the way !!


Cabin fever killing brain.... need more caps like this....


I want to wake up one day like a princess.

stacy C

Love it Em......especially like the pink handbag on the handle bars, that's a nice touch :-) x

stacy C

Any chance of a sequel?......maybe with a handsome prince LoL x

Jessica Thence

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.......in pretty dresses! This was a mom too.......just imagine if it were her aunt!