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I apologize for posting this so late! I ran into an issue and was forced to re-make two of the renders. I hope the result was worth the wait. 

This edition is a kind of prelude. What does it take for Jill to look as good as she does? And how does this feminine routine impact her dwindling masculine ego? After all, although Jack has undergone a hell of a physical transition, his mental transition has lagged behind. Now, as many of you have pointed out, his feminine side is starting to assert herself more and more.

What does that mean for Jack? Is there any way back?

I've sent the download link to all of you via a private message. As always, thank you so much for your support and I love to hear your thoughts and theories! 😃





Tiki D

Can I get Jill wearing her pink bras in poster as well as her wearing various other bras, too?

Tiki D

I noticed at the end of the chapter that Jill did use the dildo that Davis gave her. Also, the dimming dark surrounding Jill symbolizes that Jack's formal life is almost gone and Jill is being almost fully realized. Jill is losing more of her male mannerisms each day. She became a pro in makeup, showering, and being comfortable in woman wear.

Tiki D

I'm wondering if Jill is going to have sex with anyone beside Holly?

Tiki D

Can I get more pictures of Jill being more hot?


Yes Jill is loving her body . Wanting to have sex with her image in mirror . Time for Jill to orgasm masturbating watching herself .Her face expressions of lust as body spasms squirt fluids sweating breath gasp moan . Jill is falling in love with her sexuality beauty . Now Jill will desire a vagina clitoris . Passion for living life as a beautiful woman .


So incredible. I am always a sucker for the internal mental commentary. And some of those shots, like the toilet and the shower, are a new peak for you. Bravo!


I like where this is going. Jill's urges to accept the female side and her mental state to overcome the male fears I hope the mental part never fully heals. Truthfully, I like the fight in Her and all of the ups and downs. I think she can enjoy her female sex exploration side more. BUT???? The whole plot of this ( which still has not been fully revealed) so far has been the struggle and the continued torture and humiliation of a seemingly straight males turned into a shemales and some fully female..... For Jill and prob all of the girls, just as She gets comfortable they throw something in to remind that they are all still male for their Game and amusement and "Personal Kinks" Example that could happen to keep this up: To push Jill forward accepting sex with men, they put Her in a Locked doggy style position, at first she thinks its a dildo she is having but they pull the old switcheroo and the shock of its a real man instead.... or At the upcoming party to showcase them how far they have come being feminized, all of the girls are lined up. They are adored with praise at how gorgeous and female they are. Imagine the shock and wonder if they slipped them all a Viagra or something to bring all of their boy parts back to life for a bit . They all start "tenting" their dresses and various outfits as they are on display in front of each other and all who are watching. Again realizing this is all just for the amusement to further put them in their place that they are still men??? fun aside, the "Endgame" I think is, she ends up falling for a guy who she learns of at the party is a "big wig" a Second Dawn a maybe a way out to get away. She may or may not end up getting the final surgery (especially if it can still give pleasure to her) but She becomes being happy and just as that happens...... finding out her man is the son of Mr. Xu OUCH!! Its been a wild ride!! Any one else have kinky ideas to humiliating them???



Erica Rost

It's a very beauty woman :))


OMG this was amazing!!! Thank you Emory, you're taking us to new heights with this. Love Jill's internal commentary and inevitable acceptance of womanhood. Love to see her forced to wiggle into a pencil skirt and heels for a while. As, if these were the final acknowledgement of her switch to womanhood. An orchidectomy followed by SRS can't happen soon enough for me, although I realise it's all part of your plan. Amazing work. Love it!!

Ella Cherry

Loved to know what he is thinking. And the description of his feminine routine, how he’s feeling the new body was breathtaking (and I confess I couldn’t help but feel very envious :p). The part of the breasts brushing on the thighs while he pees and the other one about how they bounce while he shaves... wow! Congratulations and thanks again Emory! ❤️


Aw, thank you so much, Ella! I had a LOT of fun writing this one, for obvious reasons. In the past we haven't had much of an opportunity to delve into Jack's thoughts, only what he says to others. I also find it interesting how Jack / Jill is evidently much smarter than he believes himself to be. I think he probably had a shitty dad who has always made him feel utterly worthless. But that's a story for later! ❤️


Thank you, thank you, thank you, Bobbie!!! I was very proud of some of the images in this edition. I especially liked the one of Jill putting on her lipstick. She looked pretty damn real in that close-up, if I do say so myself. 😀 The exploration of her inner thoughts, and of her inexorable slide into femininity was so fun to write. Part of the reason I think Jack has started a journal is to let himself vent out everything, almost as if he has to work through the mental transition himself.


I think you picked up on the symbolism very well, Tiki. And don't worry, we'll actually see her use that dildo in the next edition. 😄


Thank you so much, Arte! The internal monologue was sooooo fun to write. I think Jack is a more complex person than he has ever been given credit for, and now that his false ego has been stripped away, that's what we're starting to see - in a delightfully feminine form, of course. My personal fav image is the close up of Jill putting on her lipstick. 😄


Ooooh. Fun ideas, animal! I love reading your theories and little scenes. You're absolutely correct that there's still much more in store for Jill than she realizes. Coming to accept her emerging feminine sexuality is only the beginning.... 😀

France Day

This episode is remarkable in every way. Strange feeling to discover Jill's thought still under the yoke of uncertainty. It seems to be a constant struggle between the past and the present. But it seems beyond any doubt that Jill will become the woman she is now...and more" ... sometimes in my dreams i don't have a penis" mysterious sign that the assignment of being a woman has crossed the border of the mind that is genderless. Congratulations EA.


Very insightful, France. I suspect most people struggle between their past selves and their future. For Jack, that struggle is even manifesting in his body. Who he is to become is manifesting right before his eyes, whether he wants that future or not!


i love the mental struggles and changes she's aware of


Thank you, Jen. This was a very, very fun episode to write. I'm always a fan of peering inside the character's heads. You can't do it too much or things get boring, but a little peek now and again can be really enlightening.


I have run out of superlatives to describe your mastery.


They were all great, so it was a tough choice. 3,5,7,12 and 13 were the finalists. Page #5 is my favorite though.

stacy C

Beauty is pain hehe x

Duck E

hi Emory, Can you please send me the rest of phase 6? : ) i have only then newest one.


send them to me too pls :D

Wes Adams

Please send me a link to Phase 6 21-34

John Doh

Please send me a new message

Nicki Davis

Can you send me all of phase 6phase 6

Jimbo420 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-02 19:49:27 Give me Jack & Jill - Phase 6, 21-34
2021-10-10 03:56:44 Give me Jack & Jill - Phase 6, 21-34

Give me Jack & Jill - Phase 6, 21-34


Can you send me all of phase 6phase 6