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Excellent choice, everyone! This sequel was a lot of fun to write. There was a million ways it could have gone, but I liked how things turned out for these two. 😃

Link to Part 1! 


“Good morning, my sweet sunshine.”

Jordan opened his eyes and groaned. Every morning, he woke up hoping his capture was all a horrible nightmare. And every morning, the first thing he felt was the lack of morning wood between his thighs. The lack of anything between his thighs. “Morning... Mom.”

“Ah, good,” the tormentor said. “I see you’re learning. I prefer ‘Mommy,’ though. Now, since you decided to be a good girl, I’ll get your breakfast.”

“Maybe I can get it myself?” The voice had been the most difficult to master. The tormentor wanted him to sound like her daughter. He tried his best, because it was the only way she’d feed him. 

“You mean come downstairs? Hm. I’m not sure you’re ready yet, Ashley. Last time, you tried to get the mailman to help you. That’s why you lost your clothing privileges.”

“That won’t happen again, I swear.”

His tormentor considered him, then sighed. “Mommy wants to believe you, but I suspect there’s still too much Jordan in you. Which is surprising, considering how little is left of him on the outside.”

“Please, Mommy? I’m really trying to adjust. But this has been... really hard. I miss old friends, my life, my—”

“Boy parts?” she said, and offered a wicked smile.

Jordan choked back a sob. “Yes. Those the most. I miss them a lot.”

”Tell you what... You can come down if you tell me where you buried my daughter. My real daughter.”

This again? “I already told you—"

“You already lied to me, you mean.”

“No! I told you a thousand times, I barely knew your daughter, and I’ve never hurt anyone. I swear, Mommy.”

The tormentor gazed at him for a good long while, then nodded. “Maybe it’s because you have her innocent face, but I actually believe you this time. You can come downstairs.”

“Really? Oh, thank you! Can I wear something?

”One step at a time, my sunshine.”

One and a half years later...

Mom’s voice rang out from the hallway. “Just where do you think you’re going, young lady?”


“Out where?”

“With Bradley.” Jordan flipped back his hair. “Not that it’s any of your business.

“Bradley?” Mom said, puzzled. “Wait, what happened to Nick?”

Jordan sighed. “Dumped him. He was too clingy.”

Mom gave an exasperated growl. “Fine, so you’re going out—but where are your panties?”

Jordan wasn’t wearing panties because he didn’t expect to keep his pants on for long. “Oh my God, Mom! I’m an adult, okay. Some asking me embarrassing questions.”

Mom chuckled and shook her head. “What happened to you insisting you weren’t gay, and you’d never be into guys?”

“That was before,” Jordan said, biting his lip.

“Before what?”

“Before I tried them, duh!” Jordan settled his breasts into his bra and clipped the strap in the back. “So, yeah, I guess you were right. Turning my dick into a pussy and flooding my brain with estrogen really did make me more sexually open.” 

”Hm. Well, I guess you get what you ask for.”

Jordan tugged on his top—something else he didn’t expect to be wearing for long. “What do you mean?”

”I wanted my daughter back,” Mom grinned. “And, honestly, she was always a bit of a slut.”

Outside, a horn honked. “Oh!” Jordan squealed. “Bradley’s here! Okay, I’ll see you tonight. Love you, Mommy!” Jordan gave his mother a quick peck on the cheek and ran outside. 

“Love you, too, sunshine,” his mom called after. 



Bella Lime

Can you link to Part 1? I don’t remember the beginning but great job with part 2

Ella Cherry

Great! I like to follow a longer journey! ❤️

Diana Bialaska Hansen

Just needed a part 3 where it would be discovered that the real Jordan ran off with a boyfriend is still alive and returns home pregnant because boyfriend left her. Wonder if Mommy would apologize to new Jordan or if she’d simply shrug and tell new Jordan that she’d be the co-mom and therefore should take her medication to make milk for the soon arriving baby.


Awww, that is kind of a sweet idea, Bialaska! And, yeah, the real daughter may still be out there. She is 'missing,' but no body was ever found... 😉


wooow i love it


Ciao. thanks for the text :)

Jessica Thence

Nice turn of events there. She finally gave in. Nicely done. We never know for sure if she was innocent or not hehe.