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Jason (I must like that name) won the poll!

So now you get a glimpse into his - actually, her - life after we last heard from her mother. She was very insistent that her son was always just been a regular guy before he met his wife Cindy. That's when everything changed.

I've attached the original story below as a PDF in case you missed it, and the Snapshot, as well.

Enjoy and (as always) I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for your patronage everyone! 😀😀😀



Tiki D

Emory, can you do me one about female Orik's life?

Erica Rost

I admit that Normal boy deserves a sequel

Erica Rost

Ouuah the guy is .... really ..... hairy


well guess we now know she was forced into it


I am so enjoying these. You fit so much pathos via your characters that you don't need 50 panels to tell a gripping story.


Welllllllllll.... LOL. She was coerced. But maybe everyone needs a little coercion now and again? 😉


Thanks so much, Arte!!! I try my best to fit in as much character (and sexy poses) as possible. 😛


i love youre tg comic !!! lg from germany

Callum MacDonald

Hey Emory can we get zip files please, thanks.


What time will Jack and Jill come out?


You did not understand me. I was wondering when it will come out, morning or evening?

Jessica Thence

I really enjoyed this. What gorgeous drawings and a fun follow up to the previous story. I love how you have left it up to the reader whether deep down he was truly manipulated or whether he really wanted it. You've walked the line beautifully here.