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Nikki is compelled to take a tour of Hutchinson Ranch and meets several of its denizens while Zach's father makes his intentions more clear...

So, um, this turned out to be the longest episode of HALF SISTERS ever at 34 pages! 🤯

I'm really excited about what you'll make of this...and also quite tired, LOL.

Something to keep in mind: Since this is all technically a flashback, what’s happening in these next few Nikki-focused episodes is what prompted Xu’s personal visit to Mrs Ferris when he normally would’ve just sent Davis.

That's all. I'll sleep now. Thank you all for your support! 💕




Something tells me things are about to get significantly worse for nikki :( you can only poke the bear so much before the maul you. the political aspirations actually make this man pretty deviant. the idea that he’d go to such extreme lengths to avoid his son being perceived as gay in texas is kinda nuts but something i wouldn’t be shocked if something like that came out. like a senator forcing a gay man their son likes to become a woman so that it fits the image then covering it up doesn’t seem to far fetched when it comes to southern politics. we kinda do crazy shit down here. the art on those panels actually gave me the creeps tho which deffo seemed intentional. kinda crazy you can emulate that feeling. my guess is you were looking at trump ads with the weird still images lmao. overall, super impressed with nikki’s storyline and how a side character has become such a unique concept. super looking forward to more chapters and great work emory!!!!


Just a quick comment and complement on the clever and subtle messages you are able to convey in your beautiful Images. Just looking at image 32 of Nikki hugging Snowfall. I know Nikki would hate to hear this, but in this moment she captures and projects all the girly elements one would expect, and so often seen typically exhibited by a pretty young girl adoringly hugging her horse.


Thank you so much, Nina! 💕 Yeah, when I was developing Hutchinson's character, I wanted to explore the lengths some people might go to maintain a certain image, especially in the world of politics. The idea of forcing someone to change their entire identity just to fit a narrative is terrifying, and I wanted that to come through in the story. I did look a lot of political imagery to get that unsettling, artificial feel. There's something about those staged political photos that just feels... off, you know? 😬