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We are in a transition period...

I'm sorry this episode is a little late. This week has been insane for me. Let's hope this is a better one!

That said... This was a very fun episode to write / make the art - I really love some of the panels!

I can't wait to read what you think! And if you're a Nikki fan, don't worry. She'll be back in the next episode. 😊 




I think Sandy will have little time for this task. To me, Nikki is closer to acceptance than it seems; if she makes the right move...jackpot.


The best part of this process is slowly succumbing to this new experience even involuntarily. It’s like being on a diet and not being able to resist a chocolate bar; you eat it with guilt but also with pleasure. I want that for Nikki.


I still think Nikki has a long way to go to accept his change, we have seen him constantly take one step forward and two or three steps back. I believe this because, unlike Sandy and Jill, he has something to lose, he was a successful kid (star QB of his high school, the pride -twisted- of his father), with a bright future towards the NFL, and although we have seen that because of his father's demands and because of the bullying he suffered to a lesser extent in his childhood, he changed his way of being, from being a sensitive and caring kid to being an egomaniacal and selfish kid, Nick Palmer was happy and comfortable being a boy. I say in contrast to Sandy and Jill, because these two, being boys, were going through life aimlessly, straight to failure. They needed a change in their lives, and although it was not their voluntary choice, the forced feminization, even if paradoxical, gave them that change and direction in their new lives, which made their acceptance of the change less traumatic. Also, they had (and Jill still has) more time to process their changes in a -toxic- but let's say 'intimate' environment, without outside influences. In contrast, Nikki was thrown to the wolves relatively quickly (he spent at most 1 year in Clinic 12), so the fear of the outside or real world, his former friends, family, society, his loss of status, humiliations, the constant threat of Hutchinson to both him and his father, etc. make the change and acceptance of his new life more difficult for him. His head is much further behind his body in the change, and only with the 'stick' = threats from Hutchinson and Xu; and the 'carrot' = support from Sandy, Mom, Lauren, Evie, Jennifer and Zach, will he get his brain in sync with his body. Plus, let's not forget, he's been home from Clinic 12 for what, 2 months? As I said at the beginning, I think she still has a long way to go and realize that her changes are already irreversible (bull eggs through,😂) and that she has no choice but to learn to accept herself as a woman and discover that being a woman, even if it is not her desire, is the only way she has to be a happy person in her future life. PS: Emory, what are the approximate ages of Karen, Mrs. Ferris, Nikki's mother, and Davis and Xu?


Good points well made ckaraya, I agree with a lot of what you have written. I think these complexities you identified make Nikki’s story of feminisation more enjoyable and interesting to observe.

Emily Morgan

I think Nikki just needs a few small things to click where she realizes a some things are better. Even if it’s just one thing, so long as it’s very important.


Excellent point, Emily. She needs something to hold on to - some reason to look forward to the life she'll be leading instead of the life she needs to leave behind...

stacy C

Oh wow....Sandy in those black shiny leggings (swoon!) hehe x


please be honest, please be honest, please be honest


Has Sandy helped bring her back to the "right side???" for that to be her instinct...? 😊