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Sandy is adjusting to being a girl - but not to being a brunette!

This was a really fun "hand off" episode between Nikki and Sandy. I'm can't wait to explore more of this part of Sandy's story, as well.

Sometimes, it's hard to remember that Sandy is 23 whereas Nikki is only 20 - hopefully in the future she'll be more of a "big sister" to Nikki. She certainly seems to be leading the way in many things!

(even if she's still figuring herself out, too!)

Can't wait to hear your thoughts. 😊



Ella Cherry

I love the double narrative as much as I love Sandys's new hair!


Good transitional chapter Emory, and good Nikki cliffhanger, we will see how (s)he gets out of the mess with the deputy.... I think (s)he's going to play the bimbo card. As for Sandy, wow! what a makeover! (s)he looks really, really good with her extensions and new color.


For Nikki there is simple solution - call a deputy to the base on the pretext of, for example, an accident on the highway "to all units, a big accident abort the interventions and return to base , waiting for further instructions." As for Sandy wow what a stunning transformation, can this new look💖 of Sandy be on April Schedule? i also look face expression of Josh, he was waiting for Scott with maybe shorter hair, and he got Sandy with longer hair and a new color. Looks like the surprise was a success, Emory, you're awesome❣️


Wow Sandy you look stunning 😍😍. It is amazing what a change of hair style can make.

stacy C

That new hair is lush :-) x

Sara Dune Tone

Wowwwweee I got locked out of my account for a while and I get to come back to this 🥰🥰🥰🥰 the new sandy is everything but I particularly enjoyed Nikki actually asking for advice turning down girls… I’ve said it before, that one is about to go boy mad hehee


Welcome back, Sara!!! 💖 I'm sorry I didn't see this until today! I love Sandy's new look, too. Everyone did a great job choosing her new hairstyle. And it's funny to me that Nikki thinks Sandy is even skilled at turning down girls 🤣 - she hasn't turned one down yet!