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On Monday or Tuesday, I'm releasing a 4k update to Ménage à Moi Chapter 1 Part 1. I updated the renders for everything after the first erotic scene, but this release has no new scenes. There have been some substantial issues during Part 2's production, and I am holding off releasing it until they are resolved. This is also why there has been no Behind the Scenes Post this month either. I was in the process of writing it up when I noticed I had a couple of big issues to solve.

Ignoring the technical issue that will get its own BTS post, the other big issue is the pacing of Ménage à Moi's scenes has been way faster than I intended. I've realized I'm spending a lot of time setting up renders for scenes that are turning out to be far shorter than I planned when all said and done. The image accompanying this post is from a new scene in Part 2 and I feel it doesn't have sufficient content length or quality to be released. I know some people are only interested in the erotic content I produce, but I'm not going to drop an update I believe is subpar.

As such, I am rewriting and expanding both this scene and the other one I showed in last month's progress update for the upcoming Chapter 1 Part 2 release. I don't feel good about having to delay any release, but it became obvious in the past week that I needed to do so. 


Man, it's been a long day. This post went up at 8 PM my time after spending hours trying to finish off this 4k update so both posts could be out at noon. I know I write about delays quite often, and one of my goals for this year is to be more consistent with my release schedule. While I can't say there will never be any more delays, I can say that I'm trying my best to prevent them from happening.



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