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I planned for today to be a public progress update post, but so much of what I'll be talking about is only going to make sense to those that played the alpha tests. So I'm making this post supporter-only.


I waffled back and forth about whether Ménage à Moi's Alpha Test 3 would be the public demo that everyone could play to introduce them to this project. But there was still something off about it that took me a while to realize. That is, I've created a story for two main protagonists but I was only focusing on one. I looked back over what I've done so far and I decided that Ménage à Moi should be a multi-protagonist visual novel. Or rather it already is, and I just need to start developing it as such.

To that end, I have been working on expanding the Incident and the first erotic scene to include Rico's perspective. Yes, players will make decisions for Rico along with Kiersten throughout Ménage à Moi. I surprised myself with how well his character came to life as I worked through the test releases. The interplay between these two MCs was already there in my previous outline, but now I'll be able to fully exploit it. In addition, by adding a male MC, I expect Ménage à Moi to reach a wider audience as well.

As for when the demo will be out, I'm shooting for the end of this month. I still have renders to create and, as you can see in the above images, I had to build a whole new set for one of the scenes I'm expanding upon. Once the new renders are done, I'll also be trying my hand at creating some promotional material. I'll post an update next Sunday to let you all know how it's going.



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