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I could write many paragraphs about all that happened since I released Ménage à Moi's Alpha Test 1 at the end of April. Instead, I'll condense what I've done down to a bullet point list.

  • Reworked Kiersten's skin. (It's complicated)
  • Re-rendered the opening scene (all images in Alpha 1) with said new skin.
  • Finished rendering the "incident" scene.
  • Began work on the first erotic scene.

I plan to finish off the erotic scene this week and release Alpha 2 by the end of May. I would consider Alpha 2 a demo of what I want Ménage à Moi to be, but there is one more thing I want to add before I declare it as such. That is the option between futanari and traditional females.

Unlike my planned idea with Fantasy Dating where individual characters could have alternate genitalia options, for Ménage à Moi it will be all or nothing. I just have to render the female version which probably won't be finished in time for Alpha 2's release. In which case, there will be another alpha version called Alpha 3 or maybe just Demo.



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