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Another image from Day 4 of Fantasy Dating featuring a new character named Rovahn.

As I'm sure you've guessed by now, Rovahn is the lawyer Ehrlynn mentioned would be coming to help Zimmy out. Fresh from a day off at the beach, he rushes to resolve a problem for a lifelong friend.

There will be a full BTS post on his design coming next month. Keen eyed observers may notice the slightest change to Ehrlynn's hair color. It should be marginally higher quality and I made Rovahn's hair color match it as well.

Be prepared as the drama of Day 4 heats up because everything has a cost and the history between these two is... complicated.


Yep, your eyes don't deceive you. I have an update about Motherhood as well to report on. I worked a little on the user interface for Ren'Py. I'm not much one for little icons (lol just look at the Patreon tiers), but I thought this time around I would try to do a little more and at least have a solid banner image.

I'm still pretty inexperienced at designing banner images, I've seen some other devs who have excellent ones. It seems easy, but there is a whole host of design elements that go into this type of promotional imagery. I eventually would like to have at least one solid banner for Motherhood and Fantasy Dating.

I've learned a lot about Ren'Py since starting FD and that's why I decided to work on MH a little this week to test out better ways of adding content. Working with a clean slate has been beneficial and allowed me to try out all sorts of stuff. Like a gallery/replay system which will be easier to add from the very beginning versus part of the way through. Because of this and more there will definitely be a couple test releases for patrons to play with before RC1 is completed.

Yes, Release Candidates instead of days. MH moves at a faster pace so I'm shooting for an ingame week's worth of content for RC1. In order to do this I will be using 2D character sprites overlayed on a background, similar to Freeloading Family or Light of my Life does. Of course the sex scenes would remain wholly 3D renders.

I recognize my plate is already pretty full with FD Day 3 Sexpansion and Day 4. Even so, I'm trying to lay some of the groundwork now because I really want the first version of Motherhood to be released by or before the 30th of October, which is the 1-year anniversary of Fantasy Dating.

There are 5 Sundays in May so there won't be another post until June 6th. Until then, have a good one!


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