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I created a tracking spreadsheet to better display what tasks I'm working on and an approximation of their progress. I kept things simple for the first iteration of the tracker by only including the Day 3 Sexpansion for now. Hopefully this first draft is easy for you all to read and interpret, let me know if there are areas that could use improvement.

Breaking it down, the main thing I've done this week is worked on the 69 and cowgirl scenes that needed an alt genital version. I had to redo the images I already showed because there was a discrepancy in testicle size between the two versions of Oxar. The percentages in the tracker are a rough estimate of how far along I think I am in the process and there may be big swings of changes that happen all at once.


I held a survey to determine where you all had heard about Fantasy Dating from. While only about half of the current patrons responded, I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that, at 80%, F95zone is the primary method of advertisement that helped people find out about FD and become a patron. That news is bittersweet because that site has it's own set of issues that caused me to reduce the amount of interaction I had with it. Now it seems like I'm bound to it whether I like it or not.

You may be thinking "Surely other websites are viable for advertising Fantasy Dating?"


Doesn't matter what subreddit I pick, almost all of them downvote my content (nsfwgaming and lewdgames were at 0 karma for the first few days after posting). r/futanari is ironically the worst. My posts aren't immediately visible because of an auto-mod bot, so I contact the mods, they make it visible but too much time has passed and Reddit's algorithm prevents the post from showing up on the front page. And someone still scrolls down 3 to 4 pages and downvotes the post anyway. I'm dropping Reddit entirely.


Looks like itch.io was a one shot deal. I made my big splash with the release of 0.25, but interest has flat lined afterwords. I still appreciate those who sent me a few dollars through this platform, but I'm not going to bother with posting articles there anymore. I'm sticking to only posting about releases and hosting download links there.


I know LP is still trying to establish themselves, but I get negligible traffic from there. I'll bet I've reached more players through their Discord. Not too sure what I should do, I like some of the devs that run the site and established some good connections with them. However, without any of the updates showing up on their main page or automatically being tweeted out, it's kind of pointless for me to continue using their website.

Twitter and Discord:

Twitter's analytics break often, but on the tweets that it did measure I get anywhere from 500+ to 1,000+ views. It's quick and easy to use, so I'll post stuff there from time to time. As for Discord, can't really measure community interactions so same deal as Twitter.


None compare to the behemoth that is F95zone's 152k views, which is more than every other site combined multiple times over. Granted, this is the site I first posted FD on so keep in mind the extra time to gain views. As much as I disdain the trolls that are the majority of users on that site, I don't have much choice but to continue using it. Doubly unfortunate that the mods seem to have stopped responding to my reports.

I know this update post is a bit like a BTS post, but I thought you all may be interested in the weird world of advertising for an Adult Visual Novel. Anything I ask in a survey usually has a reason behind it, but I already knew the answer for this one, even if I don't like it. Oh well, your answers were informative nonetheless.


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