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You may have noticed the new Tier 30 on the main page. I added it because the jump in price from Tier 18 to Nice was quite large. I also wanted to add the benefit of choosing an image from my VN's to be re-rendered in 4K in the uncompressed TIF format.

I have also updated Tier Nice to include a commission benefit. More info here.

Last note, to prevent any hangups at release I wanted to clarify credit eligibility. From now on, only after payment has been processed will your username be eligible to be displayed in the credits for the next release. I making this change because the credit sequence will contain an image with embedded text, which is a little more difficult to change last minute than a script file. Plus, the internet being the internet, someone could theoretically sign up for a tier, be in the credits at the end of the month release, but then cancel before the first of the month when Patreon processes payments. I'd like to avoid that potential loophole.

Edit: Going forward, I am making the official cutoff for declining to have your Patreon username listed in the credits 0800 EST (1300 UTC) the day of release.


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