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Hello! I know I have gone silent for almost the whole month and I shall informed you in advance about it, but seriously, I needed this break for a LONG TIME.
I took this time to clean my mind and stop turning this job into a nightmare against the clock, I mean WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF I CAN'T DRAW 10 ILLUSTRATIONS PER DAY? WILL I GET FIRED BY MYSELF?
Don't worry, I'll keep doing my stuffs normaly starting on September, but without lithering my brain in the process.

Thanks so much for the constant support, and have a nice weekend!



Christian Herrera

You deserve the break! And can take as many as you need. Whatever it takes to keep you healthy and drawing mate 🙇‍♂️🙏


Oh man we absolutely need more Nuncifica. It would be criminal to leave at just this. Glad to hear you're taking them time to care for yourself


Question: what gave you the idea for the milking nun? I like it but I’m still curious.

Julian Fratzscher

Dude, your health comes first. So, don't worry.


Doesn't she realize that every sperm is sacred?


Dipcifica gives me life, also happy you are prioritizing your health first.