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Sorry for not posting this yesterday, guys. Hope you have had a better weekend than me and hope to be more active this new month. 



Robert Dotson V

It seems like this massage will be a returning kink for Pacifica as she would love to get even with him.

Quintin Ball

Pacifica may have won that battle(the bet), but Dipper is gonna win this war. Wouldn't mind a part 2 of this.

Brian Dupas

Pacifica asked for this and I can't say that didn't enjoy it. Dipper sure did 😏

Christian Herrera

Hope March will be better than your previous weekend 🙏 And props for keeping that Hate/Love antics between Dipcifica going mate 💪

Devin Aschenbrenner

Hopefully your coming days will be vasily better. I would love to see a part 2 to this. This is some good shit.

Micah Karty

That’s a very deep massage, lol!

Thomas Beckles

Hehehe. Be careful what ya fuckin wish for woman

Julian Fratzscher

Dipper looks like he is having an aneurysm on the first page.


Top quality stuff as allways.

