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Hey. It turns out I'm still alive and need to crawl out from infinite procrastination and idleness.

So tried to do new scenery, environment and character, but eventually just went for the small realization of one concept.
It's just interactive videoplayer, that's kind of imitates 3d "game" with clamped opportunity to make decisions that influence the line of the story. Like if you just rip off the actual gameplay from an rpg and leave dialogue.
Never have coded before, so this is my first try making application. I would actually not share this thing because of low quality. But I didn't post for a long time, so... why not.

It would be nice if you give it a try and write your opinion. Maybe you will find this kind of emitting content better.

Sorry, but there some chance I can just delete all and get vanished from everywhere (not a big loss though). I don't want to whine, it's just a little warning.



First just wanna say that I'm glad to hear from you, since it's been a while. But 𝘸𝘰𝘸, I'm a big fan of this interactive story thing that you're trying out, it's something I never would've expected. Im gonna assume English isn't your first language? There's a few grammar mistakes and whatnot but if you just wanted to get this concept out there despite that then it's fine. I love seeing Haen being brought to life like this and being immersed by it in this way is super nice. The way she expresses herself with the dialogue by the head movement and pointing and how her eyes dilate when she blinks are some of my favorite parts. You always pleasantly surprise me with every post. The way you model especially is something that I've just never seen before anywhere, it's really amazing. I really do love everything create and you honestly inspire me with what you present. I hope you dont come to the decision of deleting but, If you ever feel like patreon is too much pressure for your schedule or because of deadlines, then Ill completely understand if you end up getting rid of it. Do what you feel is best for you in the end


Oh thank you very much dear ♥ Every time I get so positive feedback I really feel much better. Almost to butterflies. It's wonderful you like it! I like rpg dialogue systems so I wanted to try this out myself. Is it okay from the technical part? Aside strange resolution and no sound. Like, how strongly it lags and did you encounter any bugs? Oh yes, I have some major problems with english. It's been almost 3 years I'm trying to communicate with that language and still use translator in most cases. Please, if you can, point out those mistakes so I can fix it. I will be grateful. Oh, patreon is not creating much pressure on me. It's just private reasons and the change of some personal beliefs.


ok at first i was confused but mind me i just woke up i thought this meant u were not getting rid of content and taking a completely different route by all i see is a game style rather than a video style right and well being new i feel like i have no real say by i got to tell you dam I LOVE IT and good luck with ur road to progress i cant wait to see more she is so cute i felt so bad on my second route i went the dick route but i felt so bad i felt an apology number was in order. i just recently started supporting a creator who has games like this frame for frame then segments like gif for sex scenes i an i love them and yours is on a 3d style a step up i can not wait to see what comes next!!!. oh and reverse button will be useful if u are going to make a pretty long one so if people change their mind on choices and um a button for removing text briefly for seeing the full view without being obscured by text and well thats all.....wait there will be sexy time right?!


Oh wow...the potential for this is insane, you always amaze with the ridiciolously high quality of your character designs and renders, but to think that this opens the posibility for a game/interaactive story with said crazy high quality is really exciting! I hope you are able to sort out whatever it is that is troubling you so you can continue to pursue this, the potential you have as a creator is limitless, you demonstrate that with every post (delayed as it might be haha xD), so please, keep it up! ^ ^


Very good work! I have to ask if this is actually 3D or a prerendered video that lets you pan a little?


Oh hey, that's my signature back there! Glad it worked for you, hopefully other people won't find it too garish. I appreciate you placing it there. Despite how you may perceive it, this interactive player really is wonderful. I join Kai in saying how greatly expressive Haen is. If there wasn't text dialogue from her at all, a player would still be able to tell exactly how she is feeling after every response. The eyes (well, the eye we can see) and body language really show off that she's nervous and trying to make a good impression. It's also very good from a technical standpoint. I didn't encounter any bugs and though _I think_ I saw the occasional dropped frame, they're rare enough that it didn't impact my enjoyment any. You mentioned clipping; I watched every path multiple times looking for clipping, but saw very few instances, and nothing that a normal player would notice. DISOWNEDSHIELD already covered points about a back button and a save button, but those would be farther down the line. The physics are also realistically accurate: swinging earrings, subtle movements of the necklace, bouncy head feathers, shifting clothing, the tubes on her mask; you didn't miss any of theme! Personally I'm impressed you managed to make such a nice application within a month! 3D animating takes a lot of technical skill, but this is straight programming, a different area altogether. Even if it's short, it's well-polished in that all the menus work and it never crashed once. I also appreciate that you animated each individual ending, including having two different animations for polite/rude rejections! You've also already mastered re-using animations for similar endings, a critical skill to save time and effort if this becomes a full-scale project or you do similar mini-projects in the future. Last thing I want to gush about (I'll stop soon, sorry!) is her nice outfit. Lace and ruffles probably weren't easy to model, but then you went and animated it too! Whether you pursue the visual novel or traditional animation routes (or both), I sincerely hope circumstances allow you to continue creating. Like Kinnu said, I believe you have a lot of potential and I treasure every piece of content you share with us. That said, the most important thing is that keep yourself safe and well. You don't owe us anything and I'm sure most patrons would rather you be happy. Thanks again for this post, and here's hoping things work out for the best. Edit: I just noticed the full-length monologue was posted in the Mega folder! I could easily gush for several more paragraphs, but I'll just say that it looks great and the music choice is perfect