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Hi Patreon Family!

As always, thank you so much for your generous support.

The start of this year has been a whirlwind! Here’s an inside look at everything we’ve been working on.

🚀 Coaching Launch

In December, we launched our coaching program publicly and received a great response! Over the past month, I’ve had the pleasure of helping more than two dozen learners across eight different languages.

Working with clients has given us an incredibly detailed look into the struggles of language learners and allows us to iterate and improve the Refold methodology.

If you’re interested in coaching, click here.

🔬 Stage 3 Testing with our Team

One of the biggest challenges our community members face is transitioning from input to output. Over the past few months, we’ve been deep diving into the speaking transition in stage 3.

Five members of the Refold team are going through the speaking transition themselves. They’re working together to compile their learnings, research new technology, and experiment with new techniques. Their learnings will influence the new Stage 3 guide and make the speaking transition easier and more straightforward for Refold learners.

🗺️ Refold Roadmap V2

The Refold Roadmap is great, but many learners struggle with determining if they’re ready to move on to the next stage. The current roadmap isn’t detailed enough, and the self-tests evaluating progress are confusing.

This month, we started a project to define the exact tools, techniques, measurements, and milestones learners need to navigate the complex language learning process. Once complete, learners will know objectively if they’re ready for the next milestone instead of relying on subjective judgment.

🔠 Vocab Decks & Grammar Primers

In December, the JP1K received a massive redesign with a nearly complete 1T card order, new high-quality images, and more accessible CSS text customization options.

  • Coming soon: The KO1K is currently undergoing a massive overhaul. We’re adding new high-quality images, example sentences, and brand-new audio — but we didn’t stop there! The KO1K is about to be the first Refold deck EVER with grammar notes. Soon, learners will be able to look at the grammar notes specific to the card they’re repping and acquire grammar in context.
  • Coming soon: We have even more goodies for our Korean learners with the soon-to-be launch of the new Korean Grammar Primer. The format is similar to our existing Grammar Primers (German, Spanish, Japanese) and is designed to help learners notice grammar concepts naturally while immersing.

📺 Video Tutorials

Ben’s new tutorial video series has been a hit with our audience on YouTube. So far, he has released tutorials on Toggl and customizing Anki, and his next video about VocabSieve is scheduled to go out soon.

Keep an eye out for future tutorials because more are on the way!

✉️ Free Email Courses

There’s a lot for new Refolders to learn to start making real progress. We’re building free email courses for new learners to help them get up to speed. New learners subscribed to the course receive daily tips, insights, and assignments to help them get the most out of their time and achieve long-term success as language learners.

We tested our first 5-day email course with about 400 people, and it received glowing feedback. We’re excited to release the entire course publically soon and design even more courses for new learners.

🎙️ Podcast Season 3

The Refold Podcast is entering new territory with a new format and style. Clayton is leading the charge as podcast host and interviewing linguists, high-level learners, and notable figures in the language learning community.

Tune in to our most recent episodes and subscribe to the Refold YouTube channel to watch the latest episodes as they're released.

🏫 Refold in the Classroom

Refold is working with a teacher from the JET program to integrate Refold-style learning into classrooms in Japan. We’re beyond excited to make Refold accessible for Japanese natives learning English and other languages.

🔴 Recent Livestreams

Want to hear more about coaching and our other projects? In December, we hosted a couple of livestreams where Ethan and other members of the Refold team discussed their projects in depth and chatted with the community.

If you missed them, you can watch the recordings here:

That about sums it up for now! Again, thank you for your generosity and support. Keep an eye out for more announcements soon!


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