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After many requests from the community, we have decided to release Stage 4!

We've spent the past few months writing, editing, and debating, and we're very excited to share this new release with Patrons. We think you'll find it illuminating.

We'd love your feedback before publishing on the main website. Feel free to comment on this post, or in the patron section of Discord, or shoot us an email at feedback@refold.la

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!


Stage 4

Congratulations! You are now functionally fluent in a second language! You should be able to freely converse in your target language without thinking too hard. You will still make some mistakes, but they should be infrequent and not get in the way of being understood.


Raina Gustafson

The Stage 4 Notion article's link to Coursera is broken... it's pointing at '.com' but should point to '.org'. Otherwise, it's great! Also... I have a question regarding proficiency testing for non-European languages, specifically Thai. Chulalongkorn University offers a test for Thai as a Foreign Language (CU-TFL). I'm guessing this is the closest thing to the CEFR for Thai, but wondering in general about testing for languages outside the scope of CEFR. Any insights?

Breanna Mimms

It's time to level up! (jk, i'm stage 3a...but I'm glad this will be here for when i need it <3)