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0:22 - Isn't it contradictory to say that "motivation is important" but also you "shouldn't try hard while immersing"?

22:55 - I understand a lot while immersing, but after immersing, I only remember the gist of what I listened to (and not the exact words). Is this normal?

27:33 - According to the FSI language rankings, a native English speaker can learn French 4 times faster than Arabic. Will this still be true while using Refold?

31:14 - How much progress can you make by studying Japanese for 1 hour a day for many years?

34:30 - What is the most common shortcoming you see in learners in the Refold community?

35:26 - How should I handle unhealthy compulsive thoughts related to not doing enough immersion?

42:29 - Is it a good idea to watch content raw but turn on the subtitles every time I don't understand something?

46:14 - Where can I find more information on how to make the monolingual transition?

49:28 - I understand my immersion great when I'm paying full attention, but understand very little while listening passively. How can I fix this?

53:06 - Can using text-to-speech be harmful?

54:52 - When speaking Japanese I have trouble with counters, what should I do to fix this?

55:51 - I have trouble parsing sentences when reading. What can I do to improve this?

56:40 - I have trouble hearing names in French. Why is this and how can I fix it?

59:11 - If someone reached fluency in Japanese entirely through listening, how should they go about learning to read?

1:00:06 - I only use Japanese for consuming media and don't care about speaking. Is there any reason to train my listening abilities, or can I just rely on TL subtitles forever?


Patreon Q&A - May 28th, 2022

TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 - Intro 0:22 - Isn't it contradictory to say that "motivation is important" but also you "shouldn't try hard while immersing"? 22:55 - I understand a lot while immersing, but after immersing, I only remember the gist of what I listened to (and not the exact words). Is this normal? 27:33 - According to the FSI language rankings, a native English speaker can learn French 4 times faster than Arabic. Will this still be true while using Refold? 31:14 - How much progress can you make by studying Japanese for 1 hour a day for many years? 34:30 - What is the most common shortcoming you see in learners in the Refold community? 35:26 - How should I handle unhealthy compulsive thoughts related to not doing enough immersion? 42:29 - Is it a good idea to watch content raw but turn on the subtitles every time I don't understand something? 46:14 - Where can I find more information on how to make the monolingual transition? 49:28 - I understand my immersion great when I'm paying full attention, but understand very little while listening passively. How can I fix this? 53:06 - Can using text-to-speech be harmful? 54:52 - When speaking Japanese I have trouble with counters, what should I do to fix this? 55:51 - I have trouble parsing sentences when reading. What can I do to improve this? 56:40 - I have trouble hearing names in French. Why is this and how can I fix it? 59:11 - If someone reached fluency in Japanese entirely through listening, how should they go about learning to read? 1:00:06 - I only use Japanese for consuming media and don't care about speaking. Is there any reason to train my listening abilities, or can I just rely on TL subtitles forever?



Is it harmful to see bilingual definitions when creating monolingual anki cards? Because i use yomichan and have the jmdict dictionary installed i often see the english translation of a word i’m creating a card for monolingually and when i review the card later on in anki i always somehow remember and then associate the english definition i saw beforehand with the said word i’m trying to learn. i would uninstall the jmdict dictionary but i’m not super advanced in the language and still use bilingual definitions for some words (edit: after giving this further thought i realized i might not be remembering the english definition i saw and i’m actually just translating the J-J definition into english in my head? possibly… but my question still stands do you think it is bad/harmful to see an english definition for a word you are learning monolingual)


What do you think of the Migaku Pitch Trainer? I've only been using it for 2 days and have not made much progress yet, but it seems like a good system. I wanted to hear your thoughts.