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1:34 - What do you think the role of identity and group membership is in language acquisition?
11:23 - If you become fluent entirely through audio, will you automatically have a perfect accent?
22:09 - What is your current recommendation regarding when to start learning pitch accent?
25:40 - What did you really think of the responses that Steven Krashen gave when you interviewed him?
31:51 - Should I assign a specific/concrete meaning to the words that I learn?
35:36 - How should I start writing in my target language?
41:58 - What should I do when I go to make a card for a word only to realize that I actually already hard a card for it (but it totally didn't register in the wild)?
45:05 - When learning a language, what kind of mindset do you recommend cultivating and what kind of goals do you recommend setting?


Patreon Q&A - December 1st, 2020

0:00 - Intro 1:34 - What do you think the role of identity and group membership is in language acquisition? 11:23 - If you become fluent entirely through audio, will you automatically have a perfect accent? 22:09 - What is your current recommendation regarding when to start learning pitch accent? 25:40 - What did you really think of the responses that Steven Krashen gave when you interviewed him? 31:51 - Should I assign a specific/concrete meaning to the words that I learn? 35:36 - How should I start writing in my target language? 41:58 - What should I do when I go to make a card for a word only to realize that I actually already hard a card for it (but it totally didn't register in the wild)? 45:05 - When learning a language, what kind of mindset do you recommend cultivating and what kind of goals do you recommend setting? -Backlog of Q&As from the Matt vs Japan Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/44503486


Katie Woodhams

Hi Matt, loved the answer about goal setting :) I have two questions, both about reading novels (for reference I guess I would be in stage 2c of your new roadmap) 1. Recently most of my input has been through novels. I just read the article about reading novels and you say that it will delay output. I already knew that my listening to reading ratio is out of whack, but I hadn't ever thought about how the actual domain would affect my ability. Would you be able to talk a bit more about why reading novels could delay output and what novels do and don't bring to the table? 2. Before I read the article about reading novels, in an effort to up my listening, I found an audiobook of a book I've already read, and I'm listening to that. I'm enjoying it and it's meant that I've been able to do more listening. But, I kind of feel like I'm cheating - the narrator speaks really slowly and clearly so the only ambiguity that comes in is when I don't know words/grammatical structures aren't clear. Also, because I've already read the paper book, it's really predictable so I guess I'm not getting a lot of practice of the bottom up listening process. Is this good immersion? Am I cheating? (There's not heaps of listening material in my target language (Māori) that I'm finding compelling at the moment, and there's no slice of life type shows so I guess I have a bigger question about whether the content available to me is enough to get fluent with but that's a problem for another day!)


I second Katie with regards to appreciating your section on goal setting and mindset. I'm coming up on 3 years of immersion learning Japanese, and I still suck pretty bad. My issues have primarily been procrastination and perfectionism. As unfortunate as it may be, I've always been that way. It also takes a ton of motivation for me to read, so I haven't done very much of that either. I tend to go through phases where I'll srs for a month or two and then think my deck is inferior some way, delete it, and then just watch Japanese tv during my study time exclusively for a while. I usually start srs-ing again a day or two after a super bullshit day at work that motivates me to want to do something new with my life. As you can tell, that kung-fu panda reference hit home pretty hard for me, along with your thoughts on "seeing your future self" actually kinda removing you from that future self in the present (at least mindset wise), I've definitely gotten some inspiration from this Q&A to begin modestly changing my habits. Hearing that you're just doing 5 cards a day is nice too. Keeping it modest. No question here I guess, just grateful for the vid. 'ppreciate ya man.


*I'm coming up on 3 years of refolding into Japanese (let the records show Skabahk coined the phrase)


Hey Matt, I started the monolingual transition a few weeks ago and one thing I have noticed with it so far is that when I recall words I learn monolingually, I recall them with a NL word that summarizes the definition. I am wondering if it would be worth starting output now so that my recall would be in my TL or if this is something that will naturally work itself out and continue to hold off outputting .

Katie Woodhams

I have a similar issue - I started (pretty casually) the monolingual transition a couple months ago and I'm finding that for a lot of words I'll read the definition, go "oh so kinda like X then"... sometimes I think of a Māori word and sometimes it's an English word but either way I think I'm still making false equivalencies.


Matt, what do you think of japanese people using more and more english words? Do you think that this is a bad thing? That video of dogen where he makes fun of this is actually kind of depressing honestly lol


Hey Matt, I've been preparing for the output stage starting in April of this year by doing the daily shadowing and pitch accent stuff. Just recently started doing short output videos a few days ago. However, since I'm still in the beginning of this stage and don't have any reason to rush I've been having second thoughts after reading the site and some discussions in the discord server. From what I understand the roadmap is: getting very comfortable with a single domain (like SoL), move to the output stage, and then go into other domains. I am wondering if this is because it is particularly ideal or would it be better, assuming you are not in a hurry for whatever reason, to wait till you have expanded into other domains with say a 5 understanding and 6 in your first domain before starting output?

Anton de la Fuente

Do you have general advice for learning keigo? Do you have any recommendations for immersion content with a lot of keigo?


Hey Matt, I'm wondering if you have any advice on picking a domain, or if you could give some more examples of common domains and how to immerse in them with multiple media types. I'm currently watching a fantasy TV show and reading a historical fiction novel, and I'm not exactly sure how how to narrow my domain while still benefitting from multiple media types. Thanks!


I really liked the part of this Q&A that talked about motivation and mindset. You've recommended looking at AJATT for the motivational posts, but as you've mentioned khatzumoto's writing is not for everyone even though I feel like a lot of the value of AJATT comes from the motivational/mindset oriented content. Have you considered incorporating more of this type of content into Refold? It seems like an important aspect of language learning- maybe as important as the technical process -and you have been good at explaining your wisdom on these topics in these Q&As.


Hey Matt, what do you think about Cure Dolly's video "Why you SHOULD make mistakes in Japanese - AJATT, Krashen, Antimoon and Common Sense". And what do you think about her channel? Is it good to use her content for learning japanese? (i noticed you were her patron for a while)


Despite that the AJATT table of contents is over a decade old now, I have used it multiple times throughout my journey to help clear up my delusional mindets and keep me from going into a dump, and generally feel better about myself. Have you considered incorporating more mindset-oriented content into the Refold site?


Hey Matt! Love your content! In my current situation where I work, I could get up to 7 hours of ACTIVE immersion listening(work in a warehouse pretty much doing my own mindless thing), but i'm not really sure how to most optimally use this time. I can't look words up since I'm working and for reference I'm pretty close to the beginner level, I've only been doing this for a couple months (I took two years in school tho lol) so I don't really comprehend anything I'm listening to, maybe only 10-15% right now? Basically should I just keep mindlessly throwing myself at any japanese audio I can find? without being able to look words up how much am I really getting out of it? In my particular situation do you think something like pimsleur possibly helpful? Thanks again for all the content!


On the identity thing - I think I've said this before, but it's truly bizarre how much I have found that just doing a Swedish/French accent for a period of time (speaking English) seems to take those languages up a gear when I do speak them. At first I thought it was the placebo effect, but the last time it happened it, there was a clearly perceivable difference in my Swedish after like 3 hours of speaking English like a Swede. On Krashen – to me it sounded like he was the open to the idea of an SRS working, I thought he said “Yeah it’s possible…” or something. But he is pretty old when compared with something like Anki, and it’s possible that he subconsciously lumps it in with things like Duolingo. The thing with Krashen is that although is research is insanely valuable… he has never been his own subject in a legitimate study, and no scientist should ever do that. So we should simultaneously respect him but also remember that he is not as advanced in any second language as Matt is – Matt is basically the lab-rat of Refold. Both the scientist and the subject can have valid views on something, but we needn’t place the scientist’s views above the subject when the subject can also tells us things. As for Kung Fu Panda… I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: It’s in my Top 20, legitimately, and I’ve seen a lot of movies. Oogway also says: “There is no good news and bad news. There is just news.” Great Q&A!

Basim W

Not sure if this has ever been discussed, but what is your opinion on speeding up a video/podcast you're immersing with? For example, if there is a 40 minute episode, and I watch it on 1.3 speed, I could finish it in 30.77 minutes. I would still be inputting all the content, but I would be saving almost 10 minutes. Of course a speed that's too high wouldn't really work because it's not emulating how real speakers speak. Thanks for everything

Jon L

You often say watching videos with subtitles is a hybrid activity more akin to reading. For someone trying to transition to pure listening practice, how would you recommend they approach their study? For instance should they just listening and if they don’t understand move on, or listen various times and then read the subtitles and then listen again? What’s most effective?

Basim W

Just another question related to this. In the roadmap pure listening is optional. So how would we learn to listen without any subtitles or visual aid? Is the listening when reading TV shows or watching TV without subtitles enough?