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No camping trip usually goes that smoothly. You knew that having a tent to yourself was too good to be true. And of course it would be him that showed up too. You tried to make the best of an annoying situation though--

A little degradation warning-- hope you like it

Take care♥




Ah, a camping trip audio is perfect for this time of year! The "one bed" trope is a favorite of mine, and I liked how this audio used that trope in a different way. I really enjoyed how you wrote (and performed) the enemies to lovers dynamic in this one. There's a lot of room to play around with that trope, but the way this one was set up felt natural and well-paced. The tension build up, in particular, was fun to listen to. The speaker was such a grouch in the beginning, but as the audio continued, it was clear he kind of just melted for the listener, bit by bit. There were some lines that stood out to me that I especially loved, like, "What the hell are you looking at?" (I laughed out loud during this part) and the cheeky, "Maybe you are my type...sometimes" (I grinned like a fool and said out loud, "I KNEW IT!"). Funnily enough, while I was listening to this, I was reminded of a script I wrote a couple of months ago. It was also an enemies to lovers story, and the characters were coworkers who were stuck in the same hotel room at an out-of-town conference. The undressing part, and the "I don't think about you in that way, get over yourself" conversation echoed what I wrote, which I thought was hilarious and cute. Got to love it when two characters are so obvious to everyone else, and yet, they're completely clueless to their own attraction, haha.


This is so good, definitely need a part 2!


I do an ice play on myself while listening to this (not literally ice it’s an ice bag cuz I’m in the hospital and it makes thing even more exciting )


I loved this omgg

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-27 11:07:10 I don't what happened but I keep rewinding that "fuck you too. That's the plan".
2023-10-16 15:44:09 I don't what happened but I keep rewinding that "fuck you too. That's the idea.".

I don't what happened but I keep rewinding that "fuck you too. That's the idea.".