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bUt iT'S nOT 7 mInuTeS. Hush.

Surprisingly subby crush gets locked in the closet with you. After a bit of chatting, he admits that he's curious, but is afraid of getting caught in the act. 

The scenario was a lot of fun to write around, so I really liked recording this one.

Hope you enjoy

Take care♥




Random question: But at parties, what type are you? (Questioon for BOTH Jae and his listeners) I WOULD say I'm an introvert because I have a social battery, but ambivert is probably more applicable as I LOVE getting too know new people at parties/floating about talking to EVERYONE (plus, I'm a sussy serial flirt ngl 😏) DEFINITELY an upgrade considering i used to just sit in the corner/be too shy to talk to cute guys - to anyone like that that WANTS to get out their shell (because if you are the corner type, but youre happy with that - you do you no matter what others say!), my advice is: when it comes too confidence, practice makes perfect- and fake it til you make it!


I have a social battery too, even tho I love being around people and going to parties. I love getting attention idk, but at some point its just to much so I gotta go outside or go to the toilets/bath to relax and breath yk

Bun 🐰

ur acting, the pacing, the writing of this, its ALL SO GOOD and ur voice is so cute n gentle , so nice to listen to dhsjlkskj a++++ im such a fan