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After a hectic few weeks, you finally feel like you're starting to get used to this strange world. However, that peace doesn't last long when you're abruptly called in to meet with someone to discuss your plans and the future of your stay here. Arriving at the meeting location, you are greeted by not someone who looks like a faculty member, but rather another student like you. He's definitely not what you expected, and he seems just as unenthusiastic this meeting.

Lore, lore, getting into bigger lore and plot uwu

Take care♥



ESH The Mess

Don't know why, but when he asked, "and you are?" my brain instantly went, "crumpet."


I love people like this IRL tbh. The ones that take a stressful situation and try to make things disarming. I'm leaning towards Telepathy for him entirely because he has the air of already knowing... if that makes sense. He knows. He knows /you/ know. He's just waiting for you to realize it. Admittedly every time he said 'my cute junior' I both blushed and wanted to brat. Like no. I am not cute, I don't know what I am but it's definitely not cute. *stomps foot*


Does anyone else have an issue with Patreon mobile that when you first play an audio it jumps between play and pause? Or is it just me?