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Was it purely out of caution, or was it personal curiosity? Either way, you decided to follow Scaramouche one day while he was alone in the forest. However, it was not long before he noticed your presence. Admitting that you felt somewhat apologetic about your hand in taking the gnosis away, you offer to help him find a new purpose instead. Scaramouche had other ideas though, seeing how sincere your offer was. 

Scara stuff! I had a lot of fun writing and recording this as well. Honestly, I saw so many different scenarios and positions he could take. It was difficult to pick one to start with.

Hope you enjoy it. Good luck on your Scara pulls!

Take care♥




This one is too cute ♡

Ayla Sky

Oh my gosh I wasn't prepared for how absolutely adorable that ending was gonna be. I think I actually gasped, it was so cute! 🥰


OMG! So HOT!! I submit!


Holy shit I think I just fell in love with your voice even more I absolute love tsundere characters so much can you please make another episode?.