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In addition to the living arrangements and allowance provided by the Akademiya, the higher ups also decided to entrust you with an experimental android assistant after noticing that you had still been struggling in their world. The android introduces himself as "Atlas" with a noticeable stiffness to his words, despite his near life-like appearance. In spite of his somewhat awkward speech patterns, he does seem to be friendly and eager to help you with whatever you need or desire. 

What should he do though?

So excited now with how the world is getting bigger~

Atlas's art, along with the Doctor(Mikel) are coming soon!

Take care♥




Atlas is an interesting character.


dang, they got magic and advanced science? how do i get there?

Roo Void

I am a sucker for lore and world building and I have been following along in this series! I can definitely tell you are having fun in being able to have this creative outlet! I do have a lore question, if you can humor it. Atlas asks the MC if we have met any other students and we only mention Knox. Did we not mention the 3rd ranking Eternal because we considered him a study buddy not friend, that hasn't chronologically happened yet, or our meeting the 3rd Eternal isn't canon?


Hi Roo!! I'm glad you're liking it too~ Oh! Every audio has been posted chronologically so far, more or less. In this context, Atlas was more so asking about any friends listener has made in the dorms. But #3 is implied to not live in the same building as listener. So I'm sure listener wasn't trying to gloss over #3 ehe

Roo Void

True! He did specify if we met anyone else in the dorm and quite smart of the listener to have stuck within the parameters of the question given an android would be inclined to be quite literal with their questions and word choice rather than a fellow person. In other words, I could see myself assuming that question meant friend or "anyone my same age" but that wouldn't be the thought pattern for a newly minted android. Nice attention to detail! I am looking forward to the next ones! <3