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A glimpse into the chaos lol. The stickers are sent and November’s surprise alongside them ; >

Wall-a! Keychains : D I put little jingle bells on em! Simple and experimental for now but I’d love to incorporate these for special events or something! Or birthdays? Should we do something for birthdays 🤔? A shoutout or special doodle at least but I’ll get to that come January.

I sent them off today so 50/50 if they make it for the 25th ( crossing fingers ) though international sticker club members might be expecting them a little later for sure. I actually ran out of holo laminent for some sets sadly 🥲 so they’re in gloss laminent, sorry about that! I’m actually going to be switching to just gloss laminent for stickers as the holo is a wee bit more in cost. I’ll be saving it for special editions though and I’m currently experimenting with clear stickers too! Will come back with results.

Speaking of sticker club I’m all caught up with the year so members will go back to their normal sticker tier rewards. The rule of thumb was if I missed a month no matter what tier you were in, you’d receive the full set for being late rip 💔. Starting January it’ll be back to normal, and of course thank you for your patience from last year! Things are much more manageable now especially as I’m adjusting to my new place.

Thanks for such an exciting year and I got much more planned for next : D! See you soon!


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