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YEP! Sent the lovelies! It might take a lil longer for them to get to you cause of the holiday delivery rush, but again if you dont get them by the end of January lemme know! I'll resend! Ill have photos of that I didnt forget to take of them in neat order once I pick out the best lol.

December stickers are still in progress, a wip is coming up in a day or two and I hope to have them out by next week! Apologies for the delay, the holiday months are quite hectic schedule wise.

And with that in other news! Its been a whooping two years since my patreon opened! Well not /really/ but for simplicity the anniversary will be sent on Jan 1st. I cant thank you enough for your support, our gang of nine has been the backbone and reason why I keep going with my projects like the Mewcrew and newly, ask-n. The fact that there's people who want to support my dream career as a content creator is just...astounding! Im teary eyed, really!

Ive learned a lot including things that I should or shouldnt do to improve my patreon and overall work flow. I believe it'll be healthy to give me a month long break so to speak so I can recharge. My toughest challenge with my content is burnout. Once a year I'll be pausing payments on either December or January just for this!

This is not to say there wont be /any/ content for the month. Instead artwork will be released at the same pace as my public spaces ( twitter, deviantart, tumblr, etc ) and at my own will. Artwork may or may not be related to current projects as again this is a month I want to explore and create other pieces that might be my next venture and such! I havent had the time to flesh out some other exciting ideas.

Not to mention a lot of things need updates like the banner ( still has the old patreon logo lol ), my kofi, project upkeeps like a proper theme that makes navigation easy on their home sites, the patreon needs updating in some of the tiers, etc. 

Its getting long so Ill cut it here. Simply put every year there will be a "break" where payments are paused! That'll be January 2023 and then starting February 2023 its back on with early content and new exciting perks and ideas Ill be bringing forward! 

Thanks again! New update soon for the holidays for my blogs and the new ask-n update as well!


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