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Heyo! Now to clear things up right off my daily comics are still home on tumblr! Ill be crossposting them though to other websites for better access and to spread it a little more :'D

Current places of choice are on Webtoons and Duck webcomics. Because of the tumblr nature of my strips and dailies ( ie, someone sends an ask and I follow with something) they arent traditional by far where a regular comic might have consistent arcs and such. This might or might not be successful elsewhere but tumblr but!! Ill give it a shot anyways! 

Duck webcomics has a more casual tone where Webtoons is more comic focused and more traffic, but Ill decide after some more research for tumblr-esq comic strips!

PMD-W being more consistent with chapters and storytelling will be published on Tapas and Webtoons when it gets made, so maybe it'll just be more convenient to stay on Webtoons. We'll see, but feel free to give me your thoughts on whats easier or more comfortable for all of you  🤔

On that note I'll be getting an art insta! There I'll be posting my single pieces much like Twitter! You guys will be the first to know once I make a profile!

 And...thinking about also cross posting on deviantart again. Ah good old, dA.

Anyways thats the news for now! More to come and again cant thank you enough for supporting me!


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