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Well, january is gone, and it's time to see what we did this past month and what to expect from february.

January has been a month of essential updates:

-The visual overhaul took us around two weeks between doing the code, design, and assets.

-I also re-did the whole code for the MC to make it more flexible in the future. i.e now gender is defined by several things like facial features, body features, behavior and femininity, the size of it's genitals, etc. while before it was defined just by it's sex. With around 7k of errors after these changes that had to be updated, this took us like 3 days.

-This wont be showing for the next release probably, but we also re-did the whole procedural NPC code too pretty much from scratch (altough using what we learnt from our first iteration of course!), making them too more dynamic and most importantly, easier to maintain and update with new races, body parts, etc. so you can transform them in the future. This took me like 5 days actually, it was probably the most challenging thing for january.

-As for today, I redid the whole code for Helena and Abbadon too, using this new templates (both using the new MC variables and Procedural NPC ones). Although I maybe could had let them as before, that would had meant that I adding new stuff for them would had been pretty hard and annoying. This took me like 3 days

And I think that's pretty much, so from my part (Marat) you can see there is no content, dont worry tho! The writer has been working a lot on Lucina, enemies, and new followers content too, that although I have not added them yet, they will be added as soon as I finish updating the rest of the game, so expect a good amount of content afterwards.

Release date and content

Okay so as usual the next release will be at the end of the first week of this month (so around day 7). So you should expect:

-The 5 followers we have right now will be there and updated, with Lucina showing the new content that we have written too.

-The management probably wont be in this update tho, so no church or inquisitor, but that its because we want to make it more fun and interesting that what we had before.

-Maybe only half of the game will be available, since we are updating it.

What we will be working this month

-Updating the rest of the game.

-New art! I didn't had time to do a single piece of art in january (if you dont count assets), that makes me pretty sad, but hey it's fine, I will try to do extra art this month to compensate! I will be redoing some old assets that were originally just basic concept art and place holders (Abbadon and Helena), new enemies, new NPCs, and adding some old art that we had there but we havent have used yet since the NPCs were not in the game yet.

-Probably finishing Lucina, and at least 2 other followers. 3 new enemies (still using the old UI)

As a final note, two things: First, combat will stay as it is for a while by the way! Even with the old UI! We are looking in redoing it too from scratch, more party-based like. We are looking to a game like Ogre battle: The march of the dark queen as gameplay example, maybe more simple but with that idea in mind. Although we are still in the sketch board, if you have suggestions from mechanics of other games we will look into it!

Second, from now on, we will do the enemy portraits differently, the idea is that they should be able to be used too as portraits for the generic NPCs. And modular as other games, so they should be also have different clothings (probably its only going to have 3 layers top: Face, body and clothing, but we'll see actually)

Finally thank you all for your support! Your faith in us even if we are just starting means a lot for us! We will keep working hard to dont dissapoint you and of course if you think we are failing at doing something or you want to offer advice, feedback, or else, don't be afraid to contact us!

From now on we will do weekly updates on friday in our blog (to dont spam you here!) if you want to see our weekly development!

PD: Sorry for the double post! I missclicked! 



Thank you for letting us know your progress! I like the look of the new UI and look forward to new content for Lucina. Especially the art updates.


Thanks! We are glad to hear that, at least playing the game wont be a claustrophobic experience hahaha


Aww, I kinda liked getting spammed. Looking forward to see the enemy portraits with all the different clothing options!


haha maybe once a week isn't much :P But yeah that will give it some extra life to the game! And will make the effort of making an asset more useful to be honest


A satisfying update, good to know things are going well. I have a question, though: wouldn't it be a lot easier to simply let the player pick the MC's gender?


Well is just people may want to experience the transformation and what not. At the start of the game you have options if you rather be femenine or masculine to help you get that from the get go tho, and since you say this, maybe I can add one gender or other in automatic, although to define your sex your gender is weighted. Like, if you are female but have a male body, you will be named a trap.