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Hello patrons! Here is the newest update for DiCK! On top of the new content, we are refining how the new navigation system works.

For now, we don't plan to add new characters. Instead, we want to focus on going more in-depth with currently existing ones, giving each at least one particular personality transformation before moving on.

This time it will be Alba's turn; Even though she is one of the first characters you find in the game, she barely has any content, and I think she deserves some love. In this update, you'll be able to transform her into a submissive slave or enhance her spirit and turn her into a ruthless woman.

Either way, you'll have over 15 scenes per route to do this, and in the next release we'll have some exclusive scenes depending on what your choices here were (2 scenes for sub, 2 for dom)

With that said, here is the changelog.


  • New locations in the navigation system (when you "wander around"). These are for Alba, and you need to go here to train her (Her house will be uptown, and there is also her factory. Both are accessible from the main square)
  • Alba's submissive route: Tame her and make sure she doesn't becomes a problem in the future! This includes three different scenarios to train her (At the throne room, her dining room, and the factory)
  • Alba's dominant route: Make her strong and powerful... at your own risk! Three scenarios, too (and the same locations).
  • Now, you can't wander around until you have finished repairing the castle. Once you do that, though, you'll be able to explore the city.

With this said, we are happy to expand the navigation system and the existing characters, but there is a lot of work ahead: We need to fully update Alba so you can go to her mansion from the old menu system and move her old content to the new format too. These changes might take some time, but they will be done sooner rather than later. Once we do this, we can focus on making the whole city more alive and polish the rest of the systems we have been working on.

We want to thank you again for your support and invite you to join our discord, where we are quite active, and listen to your feedback, reports, or ideas!



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