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Hello patrons! First, thank you all for your support! This month we continue with what we have been doing until now, which is expanding on the transformations, but now that we have done so, and with the poll, we did early this month, we are ready to aim for what should come next.

We have focused for a long time to expand the main story, even these past months, we have kept working on it (altho it's not been the focus), but next since we have advanced a lot in this regard, and because we also want to fix a few elements of the gameplay, we'll stop for now and start to work on updating the gameplay of the game.

Above there is an image of the mock-up of what we want to do to change how you interact with characters. On top of the journal, this would allow you to access their content more easily and without clicking a hundred menu choices. It will also help us standardize each character's amount of content and rework some of the old scenes we had since many renders are quite awful.

To keep it short, next month, we'll try to finish this new UI and at last update one character with it. After that, we'll go through them and rework parts of the main story, so it's not as linear and simple as to click next.

Now the changelog!


  • 2 training scenes for Giovanni with Sarah and Marlene
  • 2 scenes with Vera and Emma, furthering their debauchery
  • New petite transformation for Dimitria
  • New scene for Dimitria petite; it's a roleplaying scene of her as a nurse.
  • New scene for Mirjana strong

Although it doesn't seem too much, the story scenes are quite lengthy, and the fact I need to make two versions for Emma makes it even more difficult. This is also one reason I want to pause the main story for a while; it takes a long time and doesn't feel as much content as if I was working exclusively on scenes.

I want to thank you all again for your support and invite you to share your thoughts and comments, either here or in our discord, where we do our best to answer as fast as possible!



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