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As mention, it will be my personal focus to start polishing the management side of the game.

Sadly, that means some stuff might need overhauled: This, though, doesn't necessarily means the saves will be incompatible, but most likely you will either have to set up every worker again or, worst case scenario, fire your entire working force and hire and capture new ones.

Of course since this feature has not been properly polished for so long I suspect many people are not as invested as they could on this part of the game, but I think it is a good idea to ask around and see what you people think about it.

This is just a quick list I made using both feedback and trying it myself, these are things that I have detected and I am looking forward to change. Green is stuff that I fixed these days for the next update, and orange high priority. Everything else should be done sooner rather than later. 

As a note, me working on this shouldn't reduce the amount of monthly content; the writer is going to do some extra work to keep up.  

Still, if you like management and want to give feedback about what you dislike or would like to improve, feel free to leave a comment, or join our discord! Our priority for now is to make sure it works smoothly and that the UI is more friendly, after that, we'll focus on content.

Cheers, and thank you all!



Just to make it clear: Incompatible saves or nuking the workers sections is the last resource, I'll try to figure out to make it work regularly


Also the poll is if you care about your workers etc. The saves will likely be fine