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Hello patreons! Well as I said the build was almost ready, so here it is!

I’ll go into detail about what it contains:

  • Bugfix: There was a bug with Virgil that created the same quest many times, don’t worry if you had this problem just do the quest again, I did added something that should delete the duplicated quests, but if it doesn’t works somehow please tell in the comments!
  • Luna’s dominant story line! It has 4 quests, all of them with something kinky! In future updates I’ll add transformations and sex scenes for her! 
  • Main story: with 3 quests for Virgil, these are mostly lore though, but for the next build his story will be finished and there will be interesting content for him!
  • Two new scenes for dominant Helena, you can find along other scenes (Big oral and pegging are named, I suck with these names...) 
  • Two new scenes for Abbadon with BDSM/Pony play, you need to corrupt Abbadon first tho (66+ corruption).

There were also many changes in combat, although the current flow of it will not change, I’m starting to add more content to make it interesting:

  • Equipment now actually works. Before it added and changed some stats, but they were ignored in combat (when I first released combat the enemies did way too much dmg, so I just buffed the MC a lot), now they are more relevant: Going naked and unarmed is now punishing, although for now I still think the game is kinda easy. I’ll be working on balance for the release of 0.2.5 so at that point this will be more noticeable even. 
  • Also bug fixed a lot of equipment that you couldn’t wear.
  • Text and content! Now there is a short text when you just face your enemy and one when you defeat it or when they defeat you, also if you yield now you can get 4 sex scenes where the enemy dominates you. Take into account I still need 4 se scenes more, so when you yield there is a 50% chance you get a placeholder.
  • Now enemies give loot, this may be buggy and need more testing but so far the tests I’ve done it works just fine.

And that’s all for this dev build! For the release of 0.2.5 you can expect more of this tho: Improving combat more, more sex scenes, another poll too. 

There should be said that I’m also working to release content for Alba in 0.2.5, at least dates and transformation at the end, also new outfits for the enemies and finishing Virgil, so keep tuned and thank you all for your support and feedback!



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Venom Demme

Still can not wait for the futa kitty to be brought into the game. The one with the scrolls and green dress.