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Well! After several weeks of hard work, most of the basic mechanics are in place. This build has no new content, and by that I mean that the reports are very short and there are no texts for punishments and rewards yet, but it will give you an idea of what to expect soon enough!

You will have to start a new file and delete the older save files (which are at user/appData/locallow/duodevelopers) as usual, but this one will be compatible with 0.2.2 most likely.

To unlock the slave barracks just do a couple of quests with Abbadon, once you get a new captain of the guard the barracks will be unlocked.

I'll make a short guide to what's in the game, I will post it in a comment under this post.

Some aditional notes: 

Now you can capture or sell enemies that you just defeated! 

There is a new location in "Aurorum", the inn, where you can hire free citizens to work for you. This is important because some jobs, like the accountant or slave master, are exclusive to non-slaves. 

Right now there isn't much there, but I'll add castle updates in the future too to have better rooms among other things. 

This build is to get feedback about the ideas behind these mechanics, to see what can be changed/expanded or reduced.

Thank you all for your patience! A dev build for 10$+ patreon will be available soon, it will have the story and more content for Helena!



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Document with info about the jobs your workers can perform: <a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z23_vRuvzCM96miAxh90EfG6gVzQYpCUTPXv4leaXqc/edit?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z23_vRuvzCM96miAxh90EfG6gVzQYpCUTPXv4leaXqc/edit?usp=sharing</a> Document about living conditions: <a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I9NV6GEKyPWdIEsiNH8xAQObpSMK7AtT4s5kBAd39Ak/edit?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I9NV6GEKyPWdIEsiNH8xAQObpSMK7AtT4s5kBAd39Ak/edit?usp=sharing</a>


Document about rules and drugs: <a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/12KgzHsOU0bDaXjqLNtZ86QUlOnGOCpRzpaf7V43bE14/edit?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://docs.google.com/document/d/12KgzHsOU0bDaXjqLNtZ86QUlOnGOCpRzpaf7V43bE14/edit?usp=sharing</a>


basic tutorial! <a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rzsRca0UEXuW61oRBQY8EnGK3TLhWdGYRqqpgZps6wM/edit?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rzsRca0UEXuW61oRBQY8EnGK3TLhWdGYRqqpgZps6wM/edit?usp=sharing</a>


Ahh no more Helena content at all. And I see every thing is redone again. No more dating and sex with Abbadon and the like. Seems like every time I get excited about a new update, its one step forward two back. Not complaining mind you I just was hoping this would be more further along. I really want to keep supporting this, but saddly strive 4 power I found out the same day as this is miles ahead, I still like hte art, and story a million times better for this. And I was so excited for slavery addition as it made sense, but alas ever time I get use to seducing my way around, and to the story such as with Helna my fave, its all redone again. I mean still remeber when I was wondering in the woods seducing wild animal morphs with my sauve prince. Now it looks like I got go alchemy to get a good playthrough the way I like no more domination, and seduction hand picking moves like last one I played. Well I felt like a fancy prince charming of sort charming the panties right off the women, or in the beast girl's case charming them into a horny little puddle begging for me to take them. I mean still like this just got wait few months more I suppose to see it get back to where it use to be... I like this direction more just hope I can still be Prince charming seducing the women into a harem without needing to corrupt the kingdom into a slutty orgy pit. I prefer them to be slutty for only me :P Maybe its the french ancestry that likes the idea of wooing a half dozen or more women and having many mistresses as a prince, all who mine alone, but with no beatings or what not unless that is something they want :P Oh well keep watching this for some time more, but don't got 10 bucks to see helna content again, and idea that 2 months from now the 10 buck content may be on the cutting room floor again really doesn't have me wanting to go that into this when I already got tons of things to spend cash on this holiday season. Really hopping I can go back to be prince charming with my Helna at my side who begs me after courting her to have my seed, and bear my children. I really loved that bit. She is my fave and I loved how it was done, felt like I wooed her, and had her wrapped around my finger. No corruption needed she was mine and would probally gladdly joined me in a threesome or more with say Abbadon. Granted I got find a way to make her a girl and give her at least tiny titties, I like petites but man she is too damn skinny now I seen the nakes scene hoping we can adjust her like you showed with Helna months back have her still be tiny little thing but at least with an A cup or so if I wanted. So looking forward to latter idea of a scene with the mother, and Helena, or Abandon with small little female body really does keep me coming back crossing my fingers that one day I see more content. I mean already like the writing better in this then Strive 4 power, that has way more to it, which is funny I think you said English is not your native language yet writing is better here then other games. Hell if I didn't know better I would say this is has a female writer can't lie they do a much better job with writing, men tend to be more visual, so a woman tends to get a bit more in depth to the text bit of it.


neat update with this :) &lt;3 &lt;3 ,, one thing i just found was i was in forrest and had won a fight and i could capture the same person 2 times and now have 2 persons in barraks with same name but still still only counts as one i see from setting the job for em thy both have the same,, also Abbadon calling me a perv when trying to get to wear show off clothing but will gladly go nakid :D


With 0.2 I started "from the beginning" so the story would be more deeper and in detail (instead of you know, being in love with someone in 2 days and fixing your whole city in like 4), plus now all the content that I'm adding has been edited, not the typical engrish. For the next build I already did over 20k of text for Helena (which will be released soon for a dev build) and there will be a little more for the patreon build. Is obvious strive 4 power is ahead, they also have been out for 6 months earlier than my game, and I don't know for how long in development, to not say I'm sure the dev. is significantly a better programmer than I am. Also not be mad or anything but what you mean by supporting it? Patreon says you never had pledge to my game :shrug: but maybe is a bug? All the content that there was in the past is going to be expanded now: For Helena there you’ll have a couple of ways to corrupt her, and you’ll be able to make her a dom too. Romance and marriage for main characters is still something that’s going to be down the line. Oh and also Helena will have futa version. So in short, all the story previously available is going to be better now, but 0.1 was the draft/alpha to get the idea going, which is why the link is still up so people can get a sense of how long is going to be the story (and more). oh and combat is semi barebones right now, but I don’t think is the most critical feature, well, not more than slavery, but once I polish slavery I will come back to combat to add more texts and balance it more to make it exciting, should be said that I will also be expanding the generic NPC content along the way too. And yeah it’s going to take a little while to be as big as the past one, I mean we were 2 writing back then too, but still I like more now that the story has more details and depth and it has a slower pace. I understand paying 10 or 5 for early access sounds like too much, but producing this game is no cheap, as a matter of fact I still need to put money out of my pocket to get everything done: Art is at least 200+ USD a month (between the main screen and a new furry version of Abbadon that’s already 250 this month, to not say I am talking with an artist to get some generic NPCs art done too, and that will be at least another initial 100-150), and editing cost is around 300-320 a month. Until I reach the 600 goal, I will most likely still have to keep putting money on it just to cover the basics. Even 2 USD helps a little bit, really. Also btw you can reduce the breasts of Abbadon to be flat (and regular/small breasts), you just need to give her the right potion (death bossom) to make them smaller. I think I will add that info to make it clearer, I think a couple of people have missed it haha Haha and thanks but dont appreciate my english too much :P is the hard work the editors that help to make this game happen.


Haha thanks for reporting the bugs! Uh its weird you got to capture them twice, maybe clicking too fast? :P but yeah I will go and fix that ASAP, should be easy I think. Same with Abbadonm idk how I screwed that up haha


There is bug in the slavery system: when worker do work at the end of day money what he brings to castle from city substitutes money of player instead to be added to player's money total. I.e if player has 2000 and worker will bring 8, at night total becomes 8 instead 2008.


oh I knew that error was going to happen at some point, do you know which job in particular? but still I will go and hunt for this bug asap, thanks to report it!


How to download fix?


yes, here! <a href="https://mega.nz/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://mega.nz/</a>#!tERjzLZC!ZcexoGiwlWSo3QCOITuFbfHZX-BpZB28hb4MRSpvmwQ


updated a small thing that made the jobs drain your money, nonethless this is more like a preview version to show you what the game will have about slavery, roughly, so expect it to have bugs like this. Give feedback about what you like, dislike and else so i can improve upon it! and any bug too! <a href="https://mega.nz/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://mega.nz/</a>#!tERjzLZC!ZcexoGiwlWSo3QCOITuFbfHZX-BpZB28hb4MRSpvmwQ