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Hello people! Today I have news about what I've been doing these last couple of days. 

Since the beginning I've planned to have slave training and overall management to the game, but until now I've been just focusing on adding story and characters so it has more structure and sense.

Now I believe I can start to work on this and add it if not for the next update, definitely for the next after, and I'm working on the UI.

This would be the main screen of it (WIP), with all the basic sets of rules for the character.

These will be used for slaves and your workers too, but of course freemen and freewomen would run away if you treat them that bad (that's it, unless you pay them handsomely).

There are still a lot of work to do to get this done, both code and more UIs to control them, but for now I would love to hear your opinions and thoughts about this first core idea!




Hello, i wanted to ask if you have a discord chat or something?


yep! <a href="https://discord.gg/eBSpCh" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://discord.gg/eBSpCh</a>


Looks and sounds pretty awesome. I like how many options you have planned. I have four questions though. Will worn clothing/no clothing fall under the Equipment option? Will this mostly be the consensual slavery type like some games have or will there be real unwilling slaves? (A mix of both maybe?) Will we have the option to be a truly abuse and sadistic slave owner? Will there be big slave markets in the game, maybe even owned by the player? There is tons of potential in this, so I truly hope you succeed.


Yes, the equipment available for them is the same that's available for you, so you can either dress them with a lot of cool stuff or make them go naked. I'll add more items with this update too so there is more customization. It is both, you can build up your relationship with them, if its too low its going to be non-con scenes, if your relationship is good and there is some love from the slave to you then its going to be willing. Non con actions will really hurt your relationship with them. I guess this question is more about the types of punishments and else? I would say yeah, there will be options available, in a sense im taking a lot from Jack o nine trades, where you can either be nice and patient or really harsh. Punishments and rewards are likely to be similar to that game when it fits, but feel free to suggest too! Yes, there will be a slave market and since the MC is the king/queen you'll be able to impose certain rules and regulations to it. Thanks a lot by the way! I've been dying to add this to the game, im glad I finally have I think a good framework to do so too!


Been showing a few friends this game on a fetish roleplaying site I've made over the many years of being there. They all seem on board, but want to wait til the game is completed. No doubt I am supporting the patreon though.


Hey thanks a lott, really appreciate it! Well, I'm working very hard on it, but my plan is to keep working on it for at least 2-3 years. Each month I write over 30k of text so you can imagine that when the game is finally complete its going to be kinda massive, but hopefully they can come back in 4-5 months a have a acceptable big game in front of them!