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Last polls finished some days ago but I didn't annouced it, winners were to focus on Helena for next update and to commission the succubus too.

Beyond that I've been thinking that now that most of the base art for several characters is done, probably enough for at least 2-3 updates more, I could add furry versions of the current characters too, which in game would involve a small quest too.

If so these portraits would be commission to nitesart (the one who did the cougar girl at the header) or someone else instead of robutts since he doesn't does furry. 

Now this is something I planned to add from time ago, but with so much content to be done, both in writing and art, I haven't had the chance for it, but now that things are advancing at a good pace I think those could be nice additions.

The next update is still on it's way and is going to be heavily focused on Abbadon, so don't expect this for that build (0.2.1), but this could be in the next one (which is likely to be out in december or late november), what do you guys think about? And any suggestions for which animal suits better for each character? 



Furry versions for the characters? Hell yeah, sounds great. <3


Yeah! I'm still thinkinh what suits better to each, but maybe the artist has a good input about that


I feels like the game would benefit more from building an actual gameplay cycle instead of thinking what additional image for the core characters you want to get. Using both Lilith's Throne and Strive for Power as example. Both game has some main quest in, but also repeatable task where the number crunchers can entertain them with (character development for LT, and slave training for SfP). As far as I know, DiCK have neither in place yet. Which is a shame because from a concept perspective I'm most hyped for DiCK.


I dont do the art, adding new art and these changes takes little to no effort from me, so I am not sure what is the problem. I am already adding interactions like that for Abbadon, and next month for Helena, I've written over 50k of text for the next build already for that.

Gator Uschance

For Helena? Dog, either a perfect submissive lap dog, or a real mean bitch.


Hmm, I'm thinking it would be nice to have different levels of furryness, basically from minimum (dog genitalia for example) to full furry.


I think i will ask for human penis and animal penises for the artist to have these options, yeah