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First of all, I owe you an apology for being quiet so far this month, there have been some things going on, which really cripped this month progress, so let me explain.

The first thing is that early this month there was a family thing, my grandma in the hospital with severe sickness, it took me a week off the project. Thankfully, the healthcare system in this country is free and although is far from perfect, they managed to save her even if it was against the odds, and we are not in debt or anything nefarious, so that let's me keep working on the project from that point. 

Still the time lost is lost, thats the first thing.

Second the writer that helps me had some stuff going on too in his life, of that I can't say much, nor I know much myself anyway, but suffice to say that he won't be in the project anymore so now.

He said he was going to deliver some of the monthly text for the montly update but, as for right now, he hasn't, and I am unsure if he will. Nonetheless, is not like the project was all just him, I have writen around half of DiCK's content and the project and story overall is my idea, so this shouldn't affect much in that regard, just expect this monthly update to have less content than usual, I'll try to work some more to compensate for his absense  in future updates.

Lastly, a good news, the next follower is planned and I'll be writing it shortly, wait for it early next month as usual. He is going to be lucretious, the grand alchemist of the city, and he is one of the final steps before the story divides between the corrupt and pure path, hope you guys enjoy him once I publish it.

That's all for now, cheers and again, we apologize for the delay. 




Don't take it too hard, man: shit happens. More importantly, sorry for your grandma.


Thanks, yeah shit happens. At the end she is fine, although by her age is matter of time, but such is life. Thankfully after all of that, no harm has been done so I can focus again on this full time, even with renewed strenght.