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An English version follows the Japanese version.



















Please note that the following is a machine translation, so I apologize if there are any strange expressions.

Dear Supporters,

Thank you always for your warm support! Instead of the usual end-of-month blog, I'm sharing a brief update here.

I hesitated to write this as it's very personal, but I know some of you can read my psychological state from my regular posts like ESPers. (Sometimes you send messages that hit so accurately, it surprises me.)

Last month, my wife was diagnosed with cancer. By the time it was discovered, it had already metastasized extensively, and it was at stage 4. She had been undergoing regular health check-ups, so it’s hard to say what would have been the right way to notice it earlier. It’s easy to overlook things when you’re young.

Initially, we were both quite calm about the diagnosis, thinking "it happens when it happens, it can't be helped." However, watching her weaken day by day, I gradually began to suffer mentally. Lately, I find it slightly tiring to think deeply about things. (It's not too serious, so please don't worry.)

In terms of my recent posts, frankly, some were done without much thought. I feel sorry for those who like them, so I won’t specify which ones. But those who understand will know.

Such things usually get resolved with time, so I think I'll eventually return to more daring posts.

Many of you, my supporters, are likely in the prime of your working lives, just like me. This might go without saying, but please take good care of your health. And remember, there are many things beyond our control, so live as if you could die at any moment. Work hard, rest well, and have no regrets when death comes.


Following last month's continuous support bonus, we've now upgraded it to high resolution, upon request! It does take extra effort, so I apologize for the frequent delays. Also, I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused to those who sent specific illustration requests via URL.

I plan to post the application form for the next continuous support bonus and the high-resolution version of November's posts by this weekend.

I also intend to update the online storage link today.

Despite various challenges, I plan to continue posting illustrations as much as possible.

I haven't written about it, but I've also been experimenting with new AI technologies using a portion of the support funds. Things like videos. Most are not yet practical, but as soon as they become viable, I'll start using them extensively. I've been stockpiling ideas for AI expressions and Pokémon discussions for a while, so I'll write more about these in my blog eventually.

Thank you for reading through all this. I look forward to your continued support.




特に私ごときが何かを話したところでyidallさんのモヤが晴れる訳ではありませんが。 うちの父も9月にがんが見つかりました。闘病中でございます。 何が言いたいか。言葉足らずですみません。 ただただ、応援してます。 親の状況とエロを絡めるのはどうかと思いますが、親の事で悩む中、ふと箸を休めて完全に自分のターンになった時に、Patreonを開いて、yidallさんのえろ可愛い画像が挙がってると、ワクワクし、観るとその一瞬だけはホッコリするお時間頂いてます。 少なからず私の24時間のごくわずかな時間は救われてます。 感謝。ありがとうございます。


そうだったんですね、言葉にするのが難しいことにも関わらず素敵なコメントありがとうございます。 そのようにおっしゃっていただけると私もやっていた甲斐があったと思えます。すごく嬉しいです。たしかに私も気分転換にもなっていると思います。 こちらこそいつもありがとうございます。

I am a hero too

I am really sorry to hear that your wife is battling stage 4 cancer...I think it's fine to tell us, if you need to take your time off to spend more time with her, I'm sure people will understand.


Thank you for your comment! Yes, I think I will take a break when needed.