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  • For this page, I wanted to have a calm moment for the two characters (Drunken Master and Bao) to have a small conversation before it jumps back into action. I sketched out each panel until the last panel here, I added a 3D model that's doing a high-kick just to save time.

  • For this page, I recycled and even modified a lot of poses, largely to save time for when I outline the final panel.

  • Here's all the panels that I've completed. Some of these panels were redrawn, just so I could work out my outlining for when I get towards the large pose at the bottom of the page.

  • For the last panel, I roughed and cleaned up the pose, then I outlined and added all the screen tones for the shading and textures. Lastly, I added a trail for the fire that comes from the Drunken Master's foot. This was done by using a brush for the fire, and then I edited the trail by using the various transform tools.
  • After adding all the speech bubbles and sound effects, it was time to colour all the gems and gem related attacks. I started with the giant noodle pot, then the gems for the simple panels, and then I added all the colours for the bottom panel. I added small details like the red trail for the eyes, alongside the fade for the fire.


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