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  • This was the original layout for this page, when it came to panelling and planning, I made some changes to the poses, backgrounds, and even redesign the panels from various angles.

  • The best example for these changes are these two panels here. After rearranging some panels, I came up with the perfect flow for when the reader scrolls down to the next page. For the top panel here, I originally wanted a side profile of one of the villains, but this time I chose a semi high shot of him. For the panel that's highlighted, I originally wanted it just to focus on the Drunken Master, but this time I wanted Bao to be the main focus, as he's hiding from the main villains.

  • When it came to outlining the top panels, I rediscovered an unused tool that I downloaded and completely forgotten about. It's a tool that allows me to make actions lines in a vector layer. To show off the gem being used, I decided to make use of this tool by selecting the area around the glove. 

  • During this time I needed a reference for the hair, so instead of opening a new file I decided to open a new window and just moved it to where I wanted it to. This was such a smart thing to do because I could work on two panels at once.

Lastly, I coloured all the weapons and even the massive pot of noodles that was a 3D model that was converted into line art. Originally I wanted the hammer to be yellow, but it clashed with the blue, so I just coloured it a different colour and added some crystal like effects just to save time. 


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