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  • This was the original set up for the bottom of the page. Most of this was finalized, but the 3D model ended up changing to a completely different pose and model. Afterwards, I sketched out the rest of the page, and then I used 3D models to help me with the drawing process.

  • After converting the 3D models into outlines, I got to work on the new pose. This time, he's holding a broom while walking. Later on, I added some background assets, such as the sky and the little black blobs that were supposed to be buildings.

  • Before I finish drawing the last panel, I decided to add some small details to the background, such as ripped posters, textures for the building and the noodle bar, and rubbish bags just outside the bar. Lastly, I added some 3D models of shoes for the Drunken Master, alongside a broom. Before I completed this panel, I redrew the face to make it happier than the one here.

  • For this panel, I added a plastic bag which was the rubbish bag asset I used before, but I added a custom bit on top of the bag for where this character is holding it. Then I added some retro blur to the whole panel, just to make it look like they're from a distance.

  • After finishing this panel, I added some sound effects, a drop shadow, and I added some custom music notes alongside the humming.

  • Lastly, I worded the top page of this upload. I added a mixture of speech balloons with texture on top of it, and speech that's been exaggerated by using the sound effects.


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