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- This was the original sketches for page sixty-six. I wanted to show off Joal's hands gripping tightly against the main character, and then Luke would say “Sword Quest” and then a conflict would ensue. Overtime I realized that I wasn't able to plan out a fight scene during that time, so I kept the layout but changed the sketches.

- Later on I came up with a new pose for the top panel, then I decided to keep the bottom panel but I changed the outcome. While working on the top panel I chose to make the pose out of the panel, but I masked the bottom part of the pose so I wouldn't have to draw the hands.

- Here's the finished results for outlining both panels. For the top panel I roughed out a face and then drew it over. For the bottom panel's face however, I added a solid black to make it feel like a serious moment between these two characters. 

- After completing the outlines, before adding each panel to the long scrolling canvas, I got to work with texturing, shading and wording the whole page. Then after finishing off both panels I saved this portion of the page as a PNG.


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