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- For page forty-seven I reused a whole page just so I could get an idea of what I want to do, and what to change. Later on I made some changes to the background and the pose. 

- Here's the results of the changes. I added some street signs from a previous page, and then I redrew the pose to make him look more action like. Later on I cleaned up the pose so that it'll be ready for outlining. 

- While completing the line art, I used a 3D model of some shoes to help me out with drawing the main character's feet. After finishing off the pose I toned and shaded the whole thing so I could get ready for the main part of the page. 

- I decided to animate the main weapon. I did this by copying the weapon several times and erasing the portions of the gun, each frame I erase the more I have to erase for the next frame. After finishing off the animation I copied the frames and pasted it behind the arm, I delayed the animation by a frame so that it wouldn't look like a 2D animation. After completing the whole page I added the LVL: UP asset, animated it and saved it as a GIF and a PNG.


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